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Can CLG Defeat the KOO Tigers and Achieve First Place?

CLG Secure #1 Seed for 2015 World Championships

CLG fans rejoiced when the team won a LAN event, defeating TSM in a 3-0 sweep at the NA LCS Summer Finals. This victory secured CLG’s spot as North America’s top seed for the 2015 World Championships. With this win, CLG also gained an advantage in the group stage draw by being placed in a relatively easier group compared to other teams. CLG’s main challenge in the group stage will be the KOO Tigers, but many fans believe that CLG has a good chance of making it to the quarterfinals.

Breaking Down the Matchups: CLG vs. KOO Tigers

Let’s analyze the matchups between CLG and KOO Tigers role-by-role:

Top Lane: ZionSpartan vs. Smeb

In the top lane, ZionSpartan and Smeb have similar playstyles. Both are adept at carrying their teams and have shown strong performances on champions like Rumble and Fizz. The key difference is that Smeb has more experience playing against top laners from different regions, giving him an advantage. It will be a tough matchup for ZionSpartan, but if he can win his lane against Smeb, it will limit KOO Tigers’ options in the mid-late game.

Overall: Smeb > ZionSpartan

Jungle: Xmithie vs. HoJin

Xmithie and HoJin both have received criticism in Season 5 for their performance. Xmithie showed promise in the NA LCS playoffs with strong early game pressure and teamfighting. HoJin, on the other hand, struggled to adapt to the tank meta. It is difficult to determine who is the better jungler at the moment, but HoJin has been more consistent throughout the year. For CLG to stand a chance against KOO, Xmithie needs to apply the same pressure he did against Team Impulse and TSM.

Overall: HoJin > Xmithie

Mid Lane: Pobelter vs. KurO

In the mid lane matchup, Pobelter has the opportunity to create a massive advantage for CLG. KurO has shown weaknesses in his laning phase and can be easily countered. Pobelter’s chance to shine at Worlds is now, and he needs to take advantage of KurO’s weak laning. If Pobelter can win this lane, it will give CLG the snowball they need to succeed.

Overall: Pobelter > KurO

Bottom Lane: Doublelift/Aphromoo vs. PraY/Gorilla

CLG’s bottom lane, Doublelift and Aphromoo, face a tough challenge against PraY and Gorilla. PraY is known for his late-game carry potential, while Gorilla is a highly skilled support. Doublelift and Aphromoo can come out on top if they play confidently, utilize powerspikes, and prevent Gorilla from roaming. It will be a difficult matchup, but CLG’s bottom lane must step up to keep PraY and Gorilla in check.

Overall: PraY/Gorilla > Doublelift/Aphromoo

CLG’s Playstyle vs. KOO’s

CLG has an aggressive playstyle that relies on winning lanes and snowballing their early advantage. This matchup is favorable for CLG, as KOO Tigers’ early game is not their strong suit. However, CLG must avoid letting the game go past 30 minutes, as KOO excels in the late game. CLG’s draft strategy should focus on denying KOO key picks like Lulu and applying early pressure to shut down KOO’s late-game dominance.

Can CLG Beat the KOO Tigers?

Although it is unlikely, CLG has a chance to defeat the KOO Tigers and secure first place in their group. CLG needs to focus on winning their games against other teams in the group, Flash Wolves and paiN Gaming. CLG’s ability to close out games will be crucial in this matchup, as KOO Tigers excel in the late game. It is a test for CLG to prove themselves as a top team at Worlds and surpass the expectations set by previous Western teams. This is CLG’s opportunity to shine.

CLG, KOO Tigers, 2015 World Championships, top lane, jungle, mid lane, bottom lane, playstyle