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Jin Air Green Wings defeat ES Sharks to secure LCK standing

Jin Air Green Wings Returns to LCK After Qualifying for Summer Season

Jin Air Green Wings has secured its spot in the LCK summer season after dominating ES Sharks in the final qualifying round of the promotion tournament. The head coach, Han “H Dragon” Sang-yong, expressed his gratitude to the hardworking players for their dedication throughout the preparation.

Jin Air’s Aggressive Playstyle Leads to Victory

Once the games began, Jin Air Green Wings showcased their aggressive playstyle led by the jungler, Kim “Seize” Chan-hee. Seize’s synergy with Lee “Grace” Chan-ju in the mid lane allowed Jin Air to gain early advantages in all four games. Seize’s constant presence around mid lane limited the opportunities for the opposing mid laner, Lee “Kuzan” Seong-hyeok.

Challenges Faced by Jin Air

Although Jin Air had control of the game due to their early leads, they faced a setback in game three where a few unfavorable fights allowed ES Sharks to make a comeback from a significant disadvantage. However, the head coach, H Dragon, expressed his satisfaction with his team’s performance despite the mistakes.

Lindarang’s Impact in the Team

The top laner, Heo “Lindarang” Man-heung, demonstrated exceptional performance by winning crucial teamfights for Jin Air through well-timed teleport flanks as Kennen. Lindarang credited his determination to stay in the LCK as the driving force behind his success.

With their place in the LCK secured for another season, Jin Air Green Wings now have the opportunity to take a break before the LCK Summer Split commences. The exact date of the league return has not been announced yet, but it is expected to take place in June.

Jin Air Green Wings, LCK, esports news, promotion tournament, LCK Summer Split, Kim “Seize” Chan-hee, jungler, Lee “Grace” Chan-ju, mid laner, Heo “Lindarang” Man-heung, top laner