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CLG vs C9: A Thrilling Faceoff

Cloud 9 vs CLG: An Exciting Match in NA LCS

Last Sunday, the NA LCS experienced one of the most thrilling matches of the Summer season. Although the standing suggested that Cloud 9 would dominate over CLG, there were some factors that could change the outcome. With a new jungler, Hai, replacing Meteos, Cloud 9 had to make adjustments. However, they were able to secure two convincing wins in their last two games, bringing them closer to qualifying for Worlds. On the other hand, CLG had just defeated Team Liquid, placing them in a position to potentially tie in the standings. The stakes were high, and both teams showed their determination on the Rift.

Picks and Bans

During the Picks and Bans phase, Cloud 9 banned Alistar, targeting one of CLG’s key picks. They also banned Tristana and Fizz, which had brought CLG victories in their previous games. CLG, being on the red side, had to ban Ryze and also chose to ban Rumble and Braum. Cloud 9 stuck to a similar composition that had brought them success against Dignitas, relying on Kalista as their main carry. CLG, on the other hand, drafted a teamfight and kiting-based composition. They had the tools to disengage from C9’s initiation and engage with Sivir’s ultimate and Kennen’s lockdown abilities.

Onto the Rift

From the start, CLG aimed to avoid the 2v2 matchup by giving Doublelift’s Sivir safe farm and double-jungling. However, Cloud 9’s wave control allowed them to swap lanes and prevent CLG from executing their standard strategy. This gave Hai the opportunity to focus on both mid and the duo lane. CLG tried to force action by teleporting and getting First Blood on LemonNation, but Cloud 9’s outplays and zoning tools allowed them to gain an advantage. Both teams focused on turrets and kills, resulting in a close game with CLG having a gold lead but Cloud 9 having dragon stacks.

At around the 28-minute mark, Cloud 9 made a crucial mistake by grouping up and wasting their engage tools on a highly mobile target like Azir. CLG took advantage of this and won a decisive teamfight, securing a Baron. However, their siege was not strong enough to break the base gates. Both teams seemed to lack ideas in the late game, and they repeatedly grouped up in mid lane, battling for control of the river and Baron and Dragon vision. Splitpushing was abandoned in favor of farming, clearing vision, and warding.

Cloud 9, perhaps overconfident or lacking patience, started looking for engages in a reckless manner. They split up, allowing CLG to use their zoning tools effectively. Although Sneaky almost achieved a pentakill, Cloud 9’s engage became disorganized, leading to their demise. CLG took advantage of this and closed out the game by trapping Cloud 9 in the Baron pit.


Both Cloud 9 and CLG approached this game with clear goals in mind. They adapted their playstyles and created an atypical game compared to what we usually see. Cloud 9’s performance in the last week will determine if they can secure their spot in the LCS and have a chance to qualify for Worlds. CLG will need to live up to expectations and have a strong playoff run. This game between them has the potential to be considered one of the best of the regular season. Let’s hope for more exciting matches like this in the future.

Cloud 9, CLG, NA LCS, picks and bans, team composition, gameplay, playoffs, regular season