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Amumu, Master Yi, Kayn, Trundle, and Sejuani receive buffs in the latest League of Legends Patch 9.8

Junglers Getting Buffs in League of Legends Patch 9.8

League of Legends Patch 9.8 is bringing some exciting buffs for a group of junglers who haven’t been in the meta lately. These upgrades have the potential to make them more relevant, especially in higher elo games.

The first champion to receive improvements is Amumu. His passive bonus true damage is increasing from 10% to 13%, making him more threatening. Additionally, the cooldown of his Q ability, Bandage Toss, will be decreased from 16/14/12/10/8 seconds to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds. Furthermore, Amumu will now follow an enemy hit with a Q for a reasonable distance if they move out of stun range before he reaches them. Check out the changes here.

Kayn’s buffs focus on making his Shadow Assassin form more viable compared to his Rhaast form. While in Shadow Assassin form, Kayn’s Shadow Step will now have an eight-second cooldown at all levels, increasing his mobility and potentially making his blue form more useful. Watch the changes in action here.

Master Yi is getting a single change, but it’s a significant one. During his ultimate, the Wuju Bladesman will now be ghosted, allowing him to walk through units while chasing down enemies. This makes it much harder to lock him down or escape from him during ganks. Watch out for his new ability in action here.

Trundle is receiving minor buffs to his Chomp ability and ultimate. Chomp damage is increasing from 20/35/50/65/80 to 20/40/60/80/100, making him hit harder. Additionally, his ultimate’s cooldown is decreasing by 10 seconds at each level. Witness Trundle’s improved skills here.

Lastly, Sejuani will see a small increase in power to her Winter’s Wrath ability. The first cast will deal physical damage plus two percent of Sejuani’s max health, increased from 1.5 percent. The second cast’s damage ratio is also getting a boost, going from 4.5 percent of Sejuani’s max health to six percent. These changes will enhance her early clear times, ganks, and teamfight efficiency. Check out Sejuani’s upgraded abilities here.


Patch 9.8 in League of Legends brings significant buffs to several junglers, aiming to make them more viable in the current meta. Amumu, Kayn, Master Yi, Trundle, and Sejuani all receive improvements that can potentially impact their gameplay. Don’t miss the chance to check out their upgraded abilities and experiment with new strategies in your matches.

League of Legends, Patch 9.8, buffs, junglers, Amumu, Kayn, Master Yi, Trundle, Sejuani, meta, gameplay