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Transform any League of Legends champion into an invincible raid boss with this exceptional item combination.

Riot Games Dials Up the Power of Goredrinker and Spear of Shojin in Latest Patch

In the latest patch for League of Legends, Riot Games has made some significant changes to two popular bruiser items: Goredrinker and Spear of Shojin. These items have received buffs that make them incredibly powerful, especially when used together.

Previously, Goredrinker received a recipe tweak and an increase in the amount of health it provides. Meanwhile, Spear of Shojin has undergone a complete makeover, with changes to its build path, combined cost, bonus health, attack damage, and a powerful new passive ability.

Champions who have quickly embraced this item combination include Kayn, Jarvan IV, Hecarim, Renekton, Zed, Qiyana, Talon, and Xin Zhao. While there are other champions who favor either Goredrinker or Spear of Shojin individually, they are now finding success with the combined power of both items.

So, what makes this combination so special?

Not only do these items provide bonus health and attack damage, but they also turn champions into unstoppable forces. With the ability to constantly spam spells and incredible survivability, champions utilizing this combination become nearly unkillable. By adding Death’s Dance and Black Cleaver to the mix, they become even more formidable.

Riot has taken notice of the dominance of these champions on the battlefield and plans to nerf Spear of Shojin in the next patch, reducing its attack damage. However, Goredrinker will remain untouched for now.

Despite the impending nerfs, this item combination is expected to remain strong. If you haven’t yet tried it out, there’s still time to wreak havoc in solo queue.

League of Legends, Goredrinker, Spear of Shojin, item combination, champion balance