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Doinb reveals the champions selected for FunPlus Phoenix skins: Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne, and Thresh

FPX Mid Laner Doinb Reveals Champions for FunPlus Phoenix-themed Worlds Skins

Superstar mid laner Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang has finally announced the champions that will be receiving FunPlus Phoenix-themed Worlds skins. The chosen champions are Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne, and Thresh.

During his stream, Doinb explained that he initially wanted to select Yasuo for the skin. However, since he did not play Yasuo during Worlds 2019, he had to choose a different champion. Interestingly, he chose Malphite, which may seem like an unconventional pick for a championship team skin. But there’s a cute reason behind it.

During the tournament, Doinb only played Malphite once against GAM Esports. He could have chosen another champion that he used more frequently during the championship-winning run. However, he decided to pick Malphite for his wife, as it is one of her favorite champions. Additionally, Doinb selected Malphite because it has a low skill ceiling, making it accessible to many other players.

As for his teammates, their choices align with their success at Worlds. Top laner Kim “GimGoon” Han-saem had an impressive performance on Gangplank, playing six games with an 8.9 KDA on the champion. Jungler Gao “Tian” Tian-Liang showcased his skills on Lee Sin, playing six games, three of which were in the finals against G2 Esports.

AD carry Lin “Lwx” Wei-Xiang opted for Vayne, a popular marksman in the game, despite only playing her twice at Worlds. Support Liu “Crisp” Qing-Song proved his mastery of Thresh by picking him four times and winning every game.

Release Date of FPX Worlds Skins

FPX fans can expect the FunPlus Phoenix-themed Worlds skins to be released later this year, possibly during the summertime. Invictus Gaming’s Worlds skins were released in June, so a similar timeframe can be anticipated.

FPX, FunPlus Phoenix, Worlds skins, Doinb, champions, Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne, Thresh