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Cloud 9 vs Fnatic D4 Match Review

End Game Stats

Check out the match history of this LoL Esports game here

Watch the video review of the game here


The Match

Draft Phase

Both teams’ drafts have their reasons, but there were questionable decisions. Cloud 9’s first pick of Darius is something I don’t like. Darius hasn’t performed well in worlds and C9’s top laner, Balls, has been struggling. The only reason to take Darius was to deny it from Huni. Fnatic’s draft has a team fight composition, but leaving Tristana open for C9 is a mistake. Picking Yasuo and sending him top against Darius also creates a difficult lane for Yasuo. Yasuo is good for FNC’s combo of ultimates, but it’s hard for him to be useful safely.

During the early game, C9 gets to play their style with lane swaps and it works well for them. They keep Yasuo top while Tristana denies farm to the bot tower. Both teams trade kills and tower kills in the first 10 minutes.

At around 10:30, C9 gets into a skirmish in the top side and Darius gets a double kill, keeping the wave frozen in top lane. C9 starts their rotation game, taking objectives faster than FNC. FNC tries to start fights, but C9 avoids them and keeps split pushing.

At 23 minutes, C9 tries to go for Baron but FNC finally gets the team fight they wanted. Although FNC gets an ace, C9 still gets the Baron kill. C9 continues to apply pressure and secures the win with a final fight around 39:30.

Final Thoughts

The game is worth watching to see Cloud 9’s shot calling and how they creatively get back into the game. Fnatic made mistakes and didn’t play to their win conditions. The question remains if Darius will still be valued highly in future games.

(For feedback, contact me on Twitter @NAiSoapy)

esports, game, Cloud 9, Fnatic, League of Legends, draft, strategy, shot calling, team fight, Darius, Tristana, Yasuo, Baron, win conditions.