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Key Takeaways from SKT T1’s Dominant Victory against KT Rolster

SKT T1 dominates Korean region with 3-0 win over KT Rolster

KT Rolster’s loss forces them to play in regional gauntlet for World Championship spot

1. Viktor counterpicks

Azir has become permaban status, leaving Viktor as a priority pick. However, Viktor struggles against assassins that can get within melee range easily.

Diana has been growing in popularity in China due to AP item changes. With upcoming Viktor nerfs, assassins like Ahri, Fizz, and Diana may end Viktor’s dominance.

2. Faker looking strong as ever for World Championships



The mid lane meta has been stale in Season 5, favoring back-line mages. Faker’s diverse champion pool gives him an advantage over Western mid laners.

Faker added Diana and Riven to his champion pool, showing success. If Western mid laners don’t diversify their champion pools, SKT and Faker will outclass them.

3. Has KT Rolster’s puzzle been solved?


KT Rolster’s strategy was outclassed by SKT. SKT shut down Ssumday’s split push opportunities and prevented vision control in the enemy jungle. Kennen pick provided more pressure on the bottom side, allowing Faker to snowball.

Other teams may use SKT’s strategy to limit KT’s early game advantages. Najin, a team with a support who plays Kennen, could have beaten KT if not for their loss against Jin Air.

4. Bengi is probably the strongest jungler coming into Worlds


Bengi had one of his best performances against KT. He outclassed Score in the jungle with his Elise pick, making him a top jungler in Korea.

Considering the jungle talent at Worlds, Bengi could be one of the best junglers depending on who qualifies from China.