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Worlds: Forecasting the ADC Meta

Predicting the Meta for Worlds: ADC Edition

In the world of esports, the marksman or AD carry position plays a vital role. They are the consistent damage dealers for teams and are crucial for taking down turrets. However, they take longer to scale and rely heavily on items. The ADC position has a limited champion pool, with the top picks usually influenced by the meta. The introduction of juggernauts may impact these picks, but it ultimately depends on the team compositions.

Utility ADCs

Some ADCs bring more utility to the team than raw damage. While they may lack in damage output, their other strengths compensate for it. With the current meta and rise of top lane carries, utility ADCs are becoming more popular. They are less reliant on hyper-carries for damage.

Kalista is the premier ADC due to her mobility and utility. Her damage output is decent, but she requires multiple attacks and the use of her Rend ability. Kalista’s ultimate and Rend abilities provide great utility to support engages and secure objectives. She synergizes well with aggressive support picks like Annie and Alistar.

Ashe has seen a rise in popularity in Korea due to her crowd control and global vision. With her Hawkshot ability, she provides valuable information about the enemy team’s location. Ashe is also good at initiating team fights and sieging enemy towers. Her lack of mobility is her main weakness.

Sivir makes the list for her team utility with a speed boost ultimate. While she has received nerfs, coordinated teams can still take advantage of her speed boost for engaging in team fights. Sivir also has great wave clear and AOE damage, but her short auto-attack range makes her susceptible in team fights and sieging.

Early/Mid Game Bullies

Some ADCs hit their power spike earlier than traditional ADCs, making them strong in early and mid-game team fights. However, they fall off late game compared to other ADCs.

Corki is a versatile ADC with good wave clear, an escape ability, and decent poke. He excels in the mid game when he completes Trinity Force. Corki also helps create ganking opportunities or provides vision with his rockets. His weakness lies in his late game scaling.

Lucian may see a resurgence due to his strength as a lane bully. His short-ranged auto-attacks limit his siege potential, but he serves a niche purpose.

Traditional Damage Dealers

These ADCs are hyper-carries that dominate late game and excel in taking down tanks.

Tristana has a good power curve, being strong early, mid, and late game. She excels at taking down turrets and offers good lane presence. Her main weakness is her lack of wave clear.

Kog’Maw is a strong tank shredder, especially with the rise of tanks in the meta. He has the longest range in the game and excels at poking and sieging. Kog’Maw’s weakness lies in his lack of mobility and weak laning phase.

Jinx is a strong late game carry with good wave clear and global ultimate. Her sieging potential is similar to Tristana, but she lacks mobility and requires time to scale.

Vayne is a hyper-carry best known for her tank-shredding capabilities. She has a decent laning phase and great mobility. Vayne excels in skirmishes but lacks wave clear.

Missing ADCs

Ezreal is weak at the moment with low damage output and unimpactful poke. Twitch’s damage is not as good as other ADCs, especially with the prevalence of Braum picks. Mordekaiser’s viability is still uncertain, as he requires a team built around him to succeed. He is best paired with aggressive engage supports.

In conclusion, the ADC position in the Worlds meta is diverse, with different champions serving various purposes. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each ADC is crucial for teams to strategize and make effective picks in the tournament.

AD carry, marksman, meta, Worlds, picks, utility ADCs, Kalista, Ashe, Sivir, early/mid game bullies, Corki, Lucian, traditional damage dealers, Tristana, Kog’Maw, Jinx, Vayne, missing ADCs, Ezreal, Twitch, Mordekaiser