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Game 1 Analysis: CLG vs FW Post-Match Review


  • Overall: Mordekaiser and Gangplank bans on Red Side
  • Unsure of Veigar ban and leaving Lulu up; possible reaction to C9’s game
  • Kalista and Thresh bans
  • Interesting Malphite ban; shows CLG doesn’t want hard engage
  • CLG 1st pick – Lulu: Veigar ban means CLG gets Lulu, flex pick top or mid
  • FW 1st picks – Braum/Rek’Sai: Braum is great overall Support pick; Rek’Sai prioritized over all other junglers
  • CLG 2nd picks – Elise/Alistar: Rek’Sai taken, Elise strong against Rek’Sai; Alistar is another strong Support
  • FW 2nd picks – Ekko/Tristana: Ekko could be flexed top/mid; team-fighting comp
  • CLG 3rd picks – Jinx/Darius: Jinx matches Tristana’s range and tower pushing ability; Darius is a strong blind-pick option
  • FW 3rd pick – Gnar: can lane OK against Darius and provides additional front line

FW made some questionable picks and bans. Leaving Lulu up for first pick gave CLG a strong flex pick. Choosing Rek’Sai over Elise made FW’s early game more difficult. Both Bot Lanes were similar. The Ekko pick was questionable due to his melee nature and the presence of Alistar and Lulu on the other team. CLG had strong picks but lacked overall synergy for their composition. They could have chosen Tristana as their 2nd pick, but instead opted for Alistar. Darius, though not the best fit, was a good blind-pick option for Top Lane.

CLG comp:

  • Strong champions without an overarching theme
  • Similar to “JuggerJinx” comp, but with some pick potential
  • Alistar is the only real front-line
  • Decent wave clear
  • Great tower dive potential with Elise + Alistar
  • Split push threat with Darius
  • Engage potential with Elise cocoon or Alistar combo
  • Win Condition: protect Jinx and let her carry, Darius provides additional threat; use Elise’s strong early game to get Darius ahead, start grouping mid game for objectives

FW comp:

  • Team-fighting comp with huge front-line
  • Tons of CC and zone control
  • No reliable engage
  • Braum shield can stop CLG engage
  • Braum shield can negate Jinx’s damage
  • Low wave clear
  • Win Condition: play safe and farm until mid/late game; group for objectives, maximize CC and zoning in team fights; protect Tristana and let her carry

Items/Build paths:

  • ZionSpartan: Typical Darius build
  • Xmithie: builds Runeglaive Elise over Cinderhulk for additional AP damage, tank Elise may have been better
  • Pobelter: maxed W 2nd instead of E, not a fan of ignite on Lulu
  • Aphromoo: building Zeke’s over Aegis is good call for JuggerJinx comp; delayed Zeke’s too much
  • Steak: rushes Black Cleaver on Gnar to keep up with Darius; should have gotten BC 1st
  • Karsa: builds 2nd item Titanic Hydra for more offense
  • Kkramer: builds PD as 4th item after already having Statikk Shiv; BORK would be a better option
  • SwordArt: builds Banner of Command 2nd item, should’ve built Zeke’s; unsure of ignite on Braum

 Execution in Game:

  • No lane swap
  • CLG invade for wards on top side; Xmithie steals enemy red buff and raptors
  • Failed ganks top for CLG, allowing Karsa to farm CLG jungle
  • ZionSpartan gets ahead but prioritizes movement speed
  • Karsa ganks top to help Gnar, unnecessary flash for kill
  • SwordArt gets good deep vision, ZionSpartan wards to prevent ganks
  • Karsa solo kills 1st dragon
  • CLG gets 1st tower bot outer
  • FW rotate Bot Lane to mid, Ekko bottom to protect mid outer turret
  • CLG gets vision control over dragon, FW ganks top
  • FW group 5 man mid to siege outer turret
  • FW spread out lanes, Gnar vs. Darius, Tristana mid, Ekko top
  • CLG constantly attempt to siege mid outer turret, Braum shield denies; tower finally taken
  • CLG gets vision control of top side of map, prepping for baron
  • FW engage on CLG, win fight
  • FW siege with baron buff, get 2 inner turrets
  • FW rotate bot for last inner turret; kill Darius under tower
  • CLG counter push mid, get mid inhibitor turret + inhibitor
  • CLG engage again, gain 1 kill
  • CLG bait baron, TP flank engage
  • CLG pushing to nexus, trade kills but win

Despite CLG winning, it felt like FW played a better game. CLG had a great start by setting Karsa behind, but their repeated ganks failed and allowed Karsa to catch up. FW did a good job of helping Steak and defending turrets against CLG’s siege. SwordArt was the MVP with his roams, shield use, and presence in team fights. FW had better lane swaps, dragon control, and vision. CLG’s mid game was their weakness. They lacked direction and vision control. FW could have defended better against the late game counter push. CLG took advantage of FW’s mistake and capitalized on it.



CLG emphasized Doublelift with their farm allocation, resulting in his high damage output. ZionSpartan played his role as front-line well despite the lack of farm. FW had a fairly even distribution of damage. Tristana’s zone control with Ekko’s abilities allowed FW to pick off CLG’s front-line.


Doublelift had the highest gold percentage on CLG, while Karsa had the most gold on FW. The item builds led to some disparities. The Phantom Dancer choice on Tristana was questionable. Both supports should have built Zeke’s Harbinger for better synergy.

