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LoL Arena round conquered by Full AP Tryndamere as a healing ‘wizard’

League of Legends: The “Healing Wizard” Tryndamere Build Takes the Arena by Storm

The new Arena game mode in League of Legends has become a playground for players to experiment with unique and unconventional builds. Recently, a Tryndamere player showcased a build that revolves around maximizing ability power and healing, allowing them to survive the entire Arena round by kiting their opponent and consistently healing themselves.

In a post on the League subreddit, the player shared a video clip demonstrating their build. The clip gained significant attention from the community, highlighting the effectiveness and creativity of this build.

During the Arena round, the Tryndamere player’s teammate and one of their opponent’s teammates died, leaving them in a one-vs-one situation against a Master Yi player. This is where the grand plan of the Tryndamere player came into action. They used a combination of Spinning Slash (E) and Bloodlust (Q) to constantly kite the Master Yi around the map while maintaining their health.

The healing power of Tryndamere’s Bloodlust (Q) is determined by his Fury bar and ability power. The player utilized items like Nashor’s Tooth, Moonstone Renewer, and Spirit Visage to enhance their healing and shielding abilities. They also took advantage of Arena-exclusive items like Rite of Ruin and Guardian’s Amulet.

The Tryndamere player didn’t rely on attacking the Master Yi directly. Instead, they used their full Fury bar and item-enhanced healing to heal for over 1,000 HP per Bloodlust cast. Spinning Slash was used strategically to reach the Power Flowers on the map for additional healing and shielding.

After a minute of kiting and healing, the Tryndamere player outlasted the Master Yi and used the Arena’s timer to secure the victory. Undying Rage (R) also played a key role in their survivability.

While the “Healing Wizard” Tryndamere build may seem absurd, it highlights the creativity and ingenuity of the League of Legends community. It’s important to note that the Arena game mode has its challenges, and certain champions and builds can be frustrating to play against. The Tryndamere player’s success is a testament to their skill and strategy.

League of Legends, Tryndamere, Arena game mode, healing-centric build, kiting, ability power, Nashor’s Tooth, Moonstone Renewer, Spirit Visage, Rite of Ruin, Guardian’s Amulet, Master Yi, unique builds, gaming strategy