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League of Legends: Wukong’s Complete Rework Scheduled to Arrive on PBE in January

Wukong’s Kit Rework Revealed for League of Legends

Riot Games champion designer Nathan “Lutzburg” Lutz has unveiled the final form of Wukong’s kit rework, which is now being tested on the League of Legends PBE. The update aims to shift Wukong’s power from the late game to the early game while maintaining balance throughout a match. The goal is to transform Wukong into a tricky skirmisher who relies on hit-and-run tactics and mobility.

Changes to Wukong’s Abilities

Here are the official ability changes:

Passive—Stone Skin

  • After exiting brush or stealth, Wukong gains a physical damage shield equal to 12% of his maximum health for three seconds. This effect can trigger every 10 seconds.

Q—Wuju Strike

  • Mana cost reduced to 25 from 40.
  • Cooldown reduced by one second at all ranks.
  • Damage adjusted to 1 AD +20/40/60/80/100 damage (+.5 bonus AD) from 10/40/70/100/130 (+1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 total AD).

W—Warrior Trickster

  • Now instantly dashes towards the player’s cursor instead of a short-range blink.
  • Dash range is 350 and speed is 1200. Cannot go over walls.
  • The clone is treated as a stationary champion, attacks nearby enemies, and prioritizes the last enemy Wukong damaged.
  • Clone’s attacks deal 60-100% of Wukong’s AD based on spell rank and apply on-hit effects, but cannot crit.
  • Clone looks identical to Wukong’s animation state on spawn and animates as if he pressed the S key.
  • Cooldown increased to 24/21/18/15/12 seconds (from the time of initial cast) from 18/16/14/12/10 seconds (from the time the clone disappears).
  • Stealth duration reduced to one second from 1.5.

E—Nimbus Strike

  • Now deals magic damage instead of physical but still scales with Attack Damage.


  • Damage tick rate increased to every 0.25 seconds from 0.5 seconds. Damage per tick halved to compensate.
  • Each tick of damage now applies Conqueror.
  • Damage ratio increased to 1.25 AD per second from 1.1.
  • Bonus movement speed is now a flat 30/40/50% instead of ramping up over the duration.
  • E’s attack speed buff renews itself while R is active.
  • Wukong can now cancel R early by casting another ability or recasting R.

The updated kit will be tested on the PBE in the first week of January, with the possibility of further adjustments before it goes live.

Wukong, League of Legends, champion rework, abilities, PBE, update, kit, balance, mobility, hit-and-run tactics