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Ranking the Top Ten Key Players for the Quarterfinals

The Most Important Players in the Quarterfinals

This list focuses on the players who are crucial to their team’s success in the Quarterfinals. These players have a significant impact on the outcome of the game and their performance is instrumental to their team’s victory. The list does not include players who consistently perform well, but rather those who have a greater influence on their team’s success.

Xpeke: The Key Player for Origen

Origen captain Xpeke is at the top of this list. His role in team fights gives him an edge over other players. Xpeke’s ability to contribute in team fights is crucial for Origen’s success. In the games Origen won, Xpeke farmed at impressive levels and made important contributions in team fights, whether it was landing shockwaves on Orianna or peeling for Niels. However, in the games Origen lost, Xpeke was unable to contribute meaningfully. While FW mid laner Maple may have a better KDA, Xpeke’s role is not focused on killing enemies. It is important for Xpeke to be relevant in the mid and late game, as both an AP carry and a safety valve for Niels. If Xpeke cannot make an impact in the game, FW may take advantage of this and rotate the map around him.

No.9 SwordArt: The Support for Flash Wolves

SwordArt, the support for Flash Wolves, is the next player on the list. With a heavy warding jungler, SwordArt’s role is not about making aggressive plays but rather about providing protection for NL. SwordArt’s excellent play on champions like Morgana, Thresh, Annie, and Braum has greatly contributed to NL’s success. SwordArt’s shot calling will be tested against Origen’s objective-focused gameplay. He needs to provide great wards and protection, but his in-game decision making will be the most important contribution he can make in the quarterfinals.

No.8 Huni: The Aggressive Top Laner for Fnatic

Huni, one of the most popular players in the League of Legends scene, is known for his aggressive playstyle. While this makes him a fan favorite and an asset for Fnatic, it also leaves Fnatic in some vulnerable positions. Huni needs to be careful not to overextend and put his team at a disadvantage. In the games against Cloud9 and AHQ, his aggression was easily capitalized on. However, his performance against Invictus showed his ability to carry games. Huni needs to be on point with his carry champions for Fnatic to win. Playing a straight tank is not an option for him, as his positioning is crucial for Fnatic’s success.

No.7 Hojin: The Jungler for KOO Tigers

Hojin, the jungler for KOO Tigers, is the first player on this list from the KOO Tigers. He plays a critical role in getting his team an early advantage through ganks. Hojin’s performance will be put to the test in his matchup against KT’s Score. In their previous meetings, Hojin’s impact on the game was evident in their wins and absent in their losses. Hojin’s ability to capitalize on the vision he provides through wards will determine KOO Tigers’ success. He needs to make a significant contribution to every lane to secure victory for KOO Tigers.

No.6 Smeb: The Top Laner for KOO Tigers

Smeb, the top laner for KOO Tigers, is next on the list. While Ssumday has provided game-winning impact in every game, Smeb’s impact has been inconsistent. Smeb needs to match Ssumday’s impact on the map, whether it is through teleport plays or team-fighting. He has a versatile champion pool that can fit any role in any comp that KOO Tigers may throw at KT. Smeb’s performance will be a determining factor in the success of KOO Tigers.

No.5 Piccaboo: The Support for KT Rolster

Piccaboo, the support for KT Rolster, has expressed confidence in beating SKT. His performance in the group stage will need to continue in the quarterfinals. KT’s success will rely on Piccaboo’s vision and playmaking ability. While he had some mistakes in the group stage, his overall performance was stellar. His high warding rate allows KT to constantly operate with vision around objectives. Piccaboo needs to continue facilitating vision and picks to keep KT on the path to victory.

No.4 Albis: The Support for AHQ e-Sports Club

Albis, the support for AHQ e-Sports Club, may have low support statistics, but his role is crucial for keeping AN relevant in the game. Albis needs to protect AN like family and ensure his safety while farming. His success in keeping Jinx safe with his Tahm Kench pick in the games against Fnatic shows his ability to impact the game. If AHQ has any chance of winning, Albis needs to protect AN and manage to get his wards in place to prevent any roams from the opposing team.

No.3 Koro1: The Top Laner for Edward Gaming

Koro1, the top laner for Edward Gaming, is a player who has not played for over a month due to being benched. His last international appearance at MSI showed his skill and dominance. Koro1 needs to perform well against Fnatic to secure victory for his team. Vintage Koro1 opens up the map for Edward Gaming, allowing Clearlove to focus on getting Pawn or Deft an advantage. Koro1’s performance will be crucial in matching Huni’s aggression and holding down the top lane.

No.2 Marin: The Top Laner for SK Telecom T1

Marin, the top laner for SK Telecom T1, has been dominating the competition in the tournament. His impact on the game has been unmatched, and he has played a crucial role in SKT’s success so far. Marin’s shot-calling abilities and ability to become an unkillable front line tank have propelled SKT to the top. He will continue to be a force in the quarterfinals.

No.1 Yellowstar: The Support for Fnatic

Yellowstar, the support for Fnatic, takes the top spot on this list. His role as team captain and shot caller makes him crucial to Fnatic’s success. Yellowstar’s vision and shot-calling abilities have been key to Fnatic’s victories. He needs to remain vigilant against opponents’ attempts to snowball Deft and keep his team focused and coordinated. The success of Fnatic in the quarterfinals heavily relies on Yellowstar’s performance.

esports, players, quarterfinals, crucial, success, support, top laner, shot calling, vision, aggression