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Riot’s Upcoming MMO Project Promises an Immersive Lore Experience without a ‘Grand Reveal’

Riot Games Teases Details about Upcoming League of Legends MMO

Riot Games has finally provided more information about the highly anticipated League of Legends-themed MMO. In a recent interview with executive producer Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street, fans were given a glimpse into what they can expect from the game.

Expanding on League Lore

In the interview, Street revealed that Riot plans to expand on the current League of Legends lore. The decision to do this stems from the community’s deep attachment to the game’s existing characters and their expectations of how these champions should behave.

“We want players to feel like the character actions are true to that character,” Street explained. “For example, Garen would act in a way that players expect based on their interactions with him in the game and watching cinematics like K/DA.”

A Slow Trickle of Information

As for the release date, Street made it clear that Riot will gradually reveal more details when they are ready. Rather than a grand reveal, the information will be shared over time.

“Once we are comfortable, we’ll start talking about it,” Street assured League of Legends fans. “But it won’t be a sudden announcement. Instead, it will be a slow trickle of information that continues for a long while.”

Stay tuned for more updates about the League of Legends MMO.

League of Legends MMO, Riot Games, Greg Street, League lore, character actions, release date