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Riot to Test Removal of Duo Queue for Master Rank and Above in League of Legends Preseason 2021

Riot Games to Remove Duo Queue for Master Rank and Above in League of Legends 2021 Preseason

League of Legends’ 2020 season is not yet over, but Riot Games is already making plans for the new year. One major change that players can expect in the 2021 preseason is the removal of duo queue for players above the Master rank. In an announcement, Riot stated that they want to create a more balanced playing field and ensure that the best individuals on the server can prove their skills.

According to Riot, some common issues that arise with duo queue include problems with integrity, autofill by role, and disparity between ranks. By eliminating duo queue for high-ranking players, Riot aims to address these concerns and make the game experience more fair.

A tweet from Riot’s Mark Yetter explains that duo queue was added to the Master+ rank in previous seasons, but the results have been unsatisfactory. Riot does not want duo queue to be a requirement for reaching the top of the ladder. However, players still have the option to play with duos in the flex queue for Master+.

Many players higher in the ranked ladder have expressed complaints about the prevalence of duo partners in high ranks. This creates an unfair advantage for players who climb with a partner, as they often have better synergy and communication. Removing duo queue for players above Masters ensures that each match is balanced with five solo players relying solely on their individual game knowledge and mechanical skill.

It’s important to note that duos will still be allowed in the flex queue, so players who still want to play with a friend and climb the ranked ladder can do so.

League of Legends, Riot Games, 2021 preseason, duo queue, Master rank, fair gameplay, balanced matches, flex queue.