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TSM wraps up LCS spring regular season with a second victory against Team Liquid

Team Liquid AD Carry Doublelift Suffers Defeat in Final Game of 2018 LCS Summer Split

In the last game of the 2018 LCS Summer Split regular season, Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, the AD carry for Team Liquid, experienced defeat at the hands of TSM’s Akali, played by mid laner Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg. This was a repeat of the previous split where Doublelift was eliminated by a TSM Akali, starting his pre-playoff break on a sour note.

Strong Performance from TSM’s Broken Blade Leads to Victory

Led by top laner Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik’s exceptional play as Akali, TSM secured their third consecutive win against Team Liquid. This means that TSM remains undefeated in 2019 against last year’s LCS champions. Unlike their previous win over Team Liquid, TSM did not rely on any significant counterpicks in this game.

TSM Finds Success with Standard Draft and Strong Plays

In a post-game interview, Bjergsen stated that this win felt better than the previous one against Team Liquid because it wasn’t solely dependent on a counterpick strategy. TSM played a standard draft and executed excellent plays, particularly around the top lane where Broken Blade was set up to dominate. Bjergsen’s well-timed teleport behind Team Liquid’s bot lane also contributed to TSM’s success.

TSM’s Tactical Moves Secure Early Advantage

TSM adopted Cloud9’s famous “Jensen Blabber composition” from last summer, utilizing the Zilean and Kindred combo. This enabled them to gain an advantage over Team Liquid through intelligent ganks and roams on both sides of the map. These plays helped TSM break out of the early game and establish their lead.

TSM Prepares for Playoffs as Bjergsen Reflects on Potential Opponents

With their strong performance, TSM is considered one of the favorites entering playoffs. Bjergsen expressed uncertainty about whether it would be better to face Team Liquid or Cloud9 in the semifinals. He believes that Team Liquid will improve their gameplay in the playoffs and expects the team to work hard to overcome their current slump.

TSM will face Echo Fox in the quarterfinals of the 2019 LCS Spring Split playoffs, with the date of the match yet to be determined.

Team Liquid, TSM, LCS Summer Split, Doublelift, defeat, playoffs, Akali, Bjergsen, Broken Blade, standard draft, strong plays, advantage, playoffs form, Echo Fox, LCS Spring Split playoffs