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Top Counters for Cho’Gath in League of Legends

Countering Cho’Gath in League of Legends

Cho’Gath is a strong champion often played in the top lane. If left unchecked, he can become a problem for opposing teams in teamfights in the later stages of the game.

Cho’Gath’s ultimate ability, Feast, grants him bonus health for every stack he accumulates throughout the game. Coupled with his healing passive, this makes Cho’Gath almost unkillable in the later portions of the game.

To prevent Cho’Gath from reaching that point, here are the best strategies and champions to counter him:

General strategy

In lane, the main approach to defeating Cho’Gath is to deal constant damage. After killing a minion, enemy, or structure, Cho’Gath will heal back some health. This means you cannot let Cho’Gath farm after dealing some poke damage, or he will heal right back. Constantly poke or bully Cho’Gath away from the minions to gain the upper hand.

Cho’Gath players often use key combos, starting with Rupture followed by Feral Scream, to maximize damage. If you can avoid Rupture, ranged champions can easily poke down Cho’Gath and force him to retreat. This applies to melee champions as well, but be cautious of Feral Scream or Feast if Cho’Gath has reached level six.

Another important move for Cho’Gath is Vorpal Spikes, which can slow targets caught in the spray. Avoid these as they can be used to set up Rupture.


Vayne is a great choice as she has ranged abilities and can constantly pressure Cho’Gath.

If you can evade Rupture, there is little opportunity for Cho’Gath to engage in a duel. Vayne’s ability Tumble allows her to avoid the attack and also gives her the chance to chase down Cho’Gath when he is low on health.

Once Rupture has been avoided, Vayne can easily all-in Cho’Gath if she has enough health and is not behind in level. Vorpal Spikes can be avoided by using Tumble or Condemn.

By providing constant pressure and getting ahead early, Vayne can easily shut down Cho’Gath and influence the game.


Darius is a high-damage top lane champion who can burst opponents down quickly, especially early in the match. Finding windows of opportunity and capitalizing with devastating combinations can shut down Cho’Gath early.

Since Cho’Gath is a melee-based champion, he will likely need to come into range to farm minions. Darius needs to be careful to avoid Vorpal Spikes while in close range.

Once Cho’Gath has used Rupture, there’s an opportunity for Darius to deal major damage. If Cho’Gath is within range, Darius can open with Decimate, activate Crippling Strike, and then pull the enemy in with Apprehend. This combination will deal plenty of damage and can be finished with Noxian Guillotine if Cho’Gath’s health is low enough.

If Darius can avoid rupture, secure some early kills, and bully Cho’Gath away from farm, this lane should be quite easy to handle.


Quinn is another great matchup against Cho’Gath, as she can constantly harass him in lane and severely slow his power spike.

Like Vayne, Quinn has mobility with her abilities. Vault allows Quinn to get in range of Cho’Gath quickly and interrupt his abilities. Her ultimate, Behind Enemy Lines, provides massive movement speed and deals damage to nearby enemies.

In the matchup against Cho’Gath, it’s a matter of avoiding Rupture and Vorpal Spike while constantly harassing and bullying him.

With Quinn, you may not always secure takedowns in the lane on your own. However, by denying Cho’Gath farm, the pressure can help dominate the laning phase and put your team in a better position for potential teamfights.

Items to build against Cho’Gath

Building specific items can also help counter Cho’Gath:

Blade of the Ruined King

Cho’Gath often builds health-based items, making Blade of the Ruined King an excellent counter item. Its unique passive increases damage based on the target’s overall health. This item is a must-have against Cho’Gath for AD champions.

Spirit Visage

Since Cho’Gath deals true damage with his ultimate, building health can be more beneficial than armor in this matchup. Spirit Visage provides bonus health and a range of healing benefits that can be combined with other items.

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter offers AP champions the bonus health needed to survive Cho’Gath’s Feast. It also provides extra ability power.

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[ Cho’Gath, League of Legends, Counter, Vayne, Darius, Quinn, Blade of the Ruined King, Spirit Visage, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter]