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Riot’s Latest Micropatch Introduces Nerfs to Heimerdinger in League

Riot Games Balances League of Legends with Patch 9.24b

Riot Games is making final adjustments to improve the gameplay experience of League of Legends with the upcoming Patch 9.24b. The focus of this micropatch, set to release next week, will be on dragon buffs. Additionally, a few champions will be tweaked, including Heimerdinger, who will receive nerfs.

Heimerdinger’s Return to the Spotlight

Throughout the history of League of Legends, Heimerdinger has seldom been a popular pick, both in solo queue and competitive play. However, there have been moments where he showcased his potential, making appearances in the LEC and even at the Worlds. Despite not being dominant, he served as a cheesy pocket pick capable of shutting down enemy laners.

Recently, Heimerdinger has surged in popularity in solo queue, wreaking havoc in the Platinum division and higher. Surprisingly, he has abandoned his traditional mid or top lane positions and has found a new home in the bot lane. He excels at countering weaker laners and quickly snowballing in the laning phase. While his pick rate remains low, his win rate in the AD carry position is a staggering 53 percent, making him the highest among all AD carries.

Nerfs to Tame Heimerdinger’s Power

To address Heimerdinger’s dominance and bring him back to a balanced state, Riot Games is implementing nerfs to two of his abilities: Hextech Micro Rockets (W) and Upgrade!!! (R). The damage per rocket on Hextech Micro Rockets will be reduced from 60/90/120/150/180 to 50/80/110/140/170. Additionally, the damage on the Lightning Grenade (E) variation of Upgrade!!! will be toned down from 150/250/350 (+75 percent AP) to 100/200/300 (+60 percent).

Potential Impact on Heimerdinger’s Viability

While these changes might not be significant, they should have an impact on Heimerdinger’s poke damage and reduce his prominence as a champion in the bot lane. Considering that he is already a rarely picked champion in any position, these changes might push him back into obscurity.

Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 9.24b, dragon buffs, champions, Heimerdinger, nerfs, solo queue, competitive play, mid lane, top lane, bot lane, AD carry, win rate, Hextech Micro Rockets, Upgrade!!!, Lightning Grenade, viability.