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Patch 5.4 could potentially push Kassadin and Veigar out of the meta

Buffs and Nerfs in Latest League of Legends Patch

The most recent patch for League of Legends was released on Tuesday and includes the usual mix of champion buffs and nerfs. However, this patch also made significant changes to the jungle, which has caused quite a stir in the competitive community.

Typically, fans and players tend to react dramatically to patch changes, but Patch 5.4 seems to have generated an unusually large amount of criticism. Champions like Kassadin and Veigar have received nerfs that may remove them from the metagame. Additionally, changes to switching jungling items and smite have limited options in the jungle metagame, which has quickly become centered around a few powerful champions.

Pro Players Discuss the Changes in a LolClass Video

A LoLClass video featuring pro players Hai Lam, IWillDominate, and Quas breaks down some of the major changes in Patch 5.4. You can watch the video here.

Kassadin and Veigar Nerfs Draw Criticism

Kassadin is known as one of the most polarizing champions in the game. Despite Riot Games’ constant adjustments and even a retool of his kit, Kassadin remains a key metagame staple. However, in Patch 5.4, Riot significantly reduced the range of Kassadin’s signature ability, Riftwalk, which has greatly impacted his mobility.

Cloud9 mid laner Hai Lam believes that this nerf will make Kassadin less viable, and Team Liquid’s top laner Diego “Quas” Ruiz agrees. Ruiz states, “Overall it’s going to be a big nerf. I don’t think we’ll be seeing a lot of top Kassadin.”

Veigar, on the other hand, recently became popular as a support champion due to his powerful stun, Event Horizon. However, Riot has made changes to decrease his viability, such as adding a delay to the cast and turning his Baleful Strike into a skillshot. Lam believes that these changes will make Veigar weak both as a mid laner and a support.

Other champion changes include a buff to Mordekaiser’s viability and an interesting change to Zilean, making his Q, Time Bomb, a skillshot with the potential to stun.

Controversial Jungle Changes in Patch 5.4

The most controversial changes in Patch 5.4 involve the jungle. One major change is the addition of a 255 gold cost to switch jungle items. According to Riot Games, the initial goal was to allow players to change their strategic course in the early game without setbacks. However, this change has led to an increase in players sticking with the “best” late game smite option, rather than switching to different items.

Team Liquid jungler IWillDominate believes that this change is a massive nerf to jungle power. He believes that the cost of switching items is too high and that players will simply stick with Ranger’s Trailblazer. This change has limited the variety of jungle item choices and undermines the potential for strategic decision-making in the jungle.

Other jungle changes include a range nerf to Smites that target champions, as well as a damage nerf to the Warrior jungle enchant. Rivera explains that these changes have further forced players into using Ranger’s builds in the jungle.

Overall, these changes have generated negative reactions from the community. The already limited and weak jungle has become even more challenging to navigate. The impact of these changes will likely continue to be a topic of discussion within the League of Legends community.

Image via Riot Games

Rewritten keywords: League of Legends, patch, champion buffs, champion nerfs, jungle changes, Kassadin, Veigar, LoLClass video, strategic course, jungle power, Ranger’s Trailblazer, Smites, Warrior jungle enchant, negative reactions, community.