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DWG KIA achieves victory over Afreeca Freecs with 2 role swaps in 2021 LCK Summer Split

DWG KIA defeats Afreeca Freecs with a 2-0 series win

DWG KIA achieved a convincing 2-0 series win against Afreeca Freecs today by replacing AD carry Ghost with substitute jungler, Malrang.

Khan and Malrang emerged as the MVPs of this League of Legends match. Khan, playing Sett, dominated teamfights with his decisive engages. Malrang, on the other hand, secured his MVP vote by playing Rumble and contributing to DK’s strong early game against Afreeca Freecs’ aggressive playstyle.

With this unconventional substitution and role swaps, DWG KIA emerged victorious with a 2-0 win over Afreeca Freecs. @DWGKIA #LCK

Malrang’s presence on the roster prompted DK to switch Canyon to the mid lane and ShowMaker to the bottom lane. Both players performed exceptionally well in their off roles throughout the series.

Canyon played Viego and Ryze, overshadowing his opponents effortlessly. ShowMaker, in the bottom lane, played Ezreal and Kalista, making a bigger impact in teamfights. Despite some messy moments, this win is crucial for the defending world champions, who were upset by KT Rolster last week.

Related: Here are the 2021 LCK Summer Split standings

On Saturday, June 19 at 3am CT, DK (2-1) will face DRX (0-3). It remains to be seen whether today’s roster will return or if Ghost will resume his role as a starter. Tune in this weekend to find out if DK sticks to the new lineup and further develops its potential.

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