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Finals of the 2016 NALCS Spring Playoffs

TSM vs CLG: A Clash of Rivals

The match between TSM and CLG is a highly anticipated clash that has been raging for years. This rematch of the 2015 Summer Playoff Finals will determine the champion of the NALCS. Let’s take a look at the possible outcome.

CLG: A Top-Centric Team

When comparing these two teams, we can see that their play styles and team setups differ greatly. CLG tends to focus on their top laner, Darshan, who excels at split pushing. They prioritize giving him favorable matchups so he can dominate and draw attention from the enemy’s jungler. This strategy allows Huhi, their mid laner, to farm safely and join the team when needed. Stixxay and Aphromoo, the bot lane duo, are versatile enough to handle most matchups on their own. CLG capitalizes on an advantage in the mid or bot lane to apply pressure to the enemy team and allow Darshan to shine. This strategy has worked wonders for them in the past and will likely be seen in the upcoming final.

In the semi-finals, CLG faced a resolute Team Liquid, who managed to push the series to five games. Although CLG emerged victorious, the series highlighted some issues they have been grappling with. Darshan is undoubtedly the star player on the team, dictating team fights alongside Aphromoo to maximize his impact. When CLG is ahead, they rely heavily on Darshan to pressure the enemy team and secure objectives and map control. However, when this plan fails, they often find themselves taking desperate team fights or panic-barons in an attempt to regain lost ground. They lack a carry mid laner or ADC to complement Darshan, making CLG a one-dimensional team.

TSM: A Team of Dynamic Carries

TSM, on the other hand, boasts three carry-oriented players in Bjergsen, Doublelift, and Svenskaren. Each of them steps up when needed to secure victory for their team. Even Hauntzer has shown his prowess on champions like Fiora. If TSM enters the final with the same determination and strong pick/ban strategies as the previous rounds, they will have the upper hand. Bjergsen can either take on the carry role with champions like Zed or Leblanc, or focus on protecting Doublelift with champions like Lulu. His diverse champion pool keeps opponents guessing and he may have a surprise up his sleeve for the finals. Doublelift will most likely spend the first 15 minutes farming, unless he and YellowStar are heavily pressured in the early game. Sven and Hauntzer will be looking for opportunities to gain an advantage in other lanes or invade Xmithie’s jungle. This will allow TSM’s solo laners to exert lane pressure with an early lead.

TSM has had a challenging regular season with a 9-9 record, their worst ever. However, they have surged in the playoffs, impressively winning 6 out of 7 games against Cloud 9 and the dominant Immortals. They have surpassed everyone’s expectations and are finally embodying the TSM we anticipated when they were formed in January. Despite their success in the previous rounds, TSM is not considered the favorites to win. Cloud 9 had difficulty finding cohesion after their initial win, while Immortals’ unconventional draft strategies hindered their macro game. Although TSM may have had a slightly easier path, they have truly shined in the playoffs compared to the regular season.

Key Matchups to Watch

The clash between Darshan and Hauntzer will be the defining matchup of this series. Can TSM’s new top laner handle the pressure and hold his own? Sven and Xmithie will battle for vision control, with the supports playing a crucial role in determining the outcome. YellowStar’s occasional mispositioning and deaths pose a concern for TSM. Bjergsen and Doublelift, two of the NA LCS’s finest, will aim to dominate their counterparts, Huhi and Stixxay, respectively, in lane.

If TSM can maintain their momentum from the past two weeks, they will likely win the series against CLG with a 3-1 score. Although CLG has looked stronger throughout the split, TSM has consistently excelled in the playoffs. They may drop a game due to Darshan’s split push pressure, but ultimately TSM will reclaim the championship title.


Louis “MajesticEra” DePonceau

Twitter – @MajesticEra

TSM, CLG, rivalry, esports, NALCS, playoffs, match, clash, strategy, top laner, split push, advantage, mid laner, ADC, pick/ban, carry, champions, playoffs, regular season, championship, matchup, vision control, support, pressure