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Zirene on Departing Riot: “I’ve Never Quite Connected with Being a Prominent Figure”

Zirene Leaves Riot Games After 5 Years

Aiden ‘Zirene’ Moon, former League of Legends Championship Series analyst and color caster, recently left Riot Games to pursue other opportunities. Zirene had been with Riot since 2014, appearing regularly on the analyst desk and commentating alongside Rivington “RivingtonThe3rd” Bisland III.

In a podcast interview, Zirene discussed his departure from Riot Games. Although he provided some insight into his feelings, he did not reveal the exact reason for leaving. When asked about his future plans, Zirene jokingly replied, “unemployment on my bed?”

Unlike many public figures, Zirene never fully embraced the persona aspect of his job. He prefers to be authentically himself rather than putting on a show. However, Zirene is excited to enter a new chapter in his career, focusing on streaming and content creation. Although he won’t be part of official Riot broadcasts anymore, he plans to stream his commentary on future LCS games on his Twitch channel.

YouTube video: [Insert YouTube video URL here]

During the podcast, reference was made to Zirene’s removal from the League of Legends World Championship broadcast team in 2018 due to a missed call time during the group stage of the tournament. However, this incident was not directly linked to his departure from Riot Games.

Zirene, Riot Games, League of Legends, esports news, career, streaming, content creation, LCS games, Twitch channel