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Riot Plans to Balance Caitlyn, Azir, Twisted Fate, and Senna ADC in League Patch 10.19

Riot Games Reveals Champions Targeted with Nerfs for League of Legends Patch 10.19

Prior to the 2020 World Championship, Riot Games has unveiled some of the champions that will be receiving nerfs in Patch 10.19 of League of Legends.

Riot’s lead gameplay designer, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, mentioned that since this is the Worlds patch, the changes will be relatively small to ensure that players don’t have to adapt to a completely new meta before the biggest tournament of the year.

The champions being targeted with nerfs play a significant role in the current meta, which could potentially result in a shift in pick priority depending on the severity of the changes.

For instance, Azir has been one of the most popular mid lane champions this split across the world. According to Gamepedia, he had a 60% pick/ban rate in the 2020 LCS Summer, an even higher 82.2% pick/ban rate in the LEC, and a 63.5% pick/ban rate in Korea. Although Azir is extremely effective in the hands of talented mid laners, he may see a decrease in play rate at Worlds due to these nerfs.

Twisted Fate and Caitlyn are also strong picks that many top players have in their champion pool. Caitlyn is frequently chosen by marksmen for her safety, while Twisted Fate offers map pressure and impactful teamfight presence with his global ultimate.

Senna ADC, Nunu, and Talon have also been included on the nerf list. More details about these changes will be provided on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

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Keyphrases: Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 10.19, World Championship, nerfs, champions, meta, pick priority, Azir, mid lane, Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Senna ADC, Nunu, Talon, esports news, analysis