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Rengar to Undergo Additional Rework in Patch 8.5 Next Week for No Apparent Reason

Big Changes Coming for Rengar in Patch 8.5

Riot is planning more major changes for Rengar in next week’s Patch 8.5. These changes aim to address some of the issues with his new kit, as Rengar seems to always be in need of adjustments.

Rengar is one of the most frustrating champions in League of Legends, alongside Ryze. He never seems to have a healthy set of abilities and is constantly being reworked.

Tweaks for Rengar’s Abilities

The good news is that the upcoming changes in Patch 8.5 won’t completely replace any of Rengar’s abilities. Instead, there will be several tweaks to make his kit more balanced. This is definitely easier to accept than a completely new ability.

The first change is to Rengar’s passive, Unseen Predator. His Ferocity will now fall off after eight seconds of not spending it, instead of six seconds. Additionally, the AD scaling on his Q will now increase with the ability’s rank.

In terms of numbers, the base damage of his Q will be buffed at each rank, and the empowered version’s AD scaling will be increased from 130 percent to 140 percent of his total AD.

New Mechanics and Improvements

There are also some new mechanics and improvements coming for Rengar. The true vision granted by his ultimate will now last for half a second after the ability ends. This is a nice addition to his kit. Additionally, Rengar can now cancel his Q mid-animation and queue up his Q and W while throwing his bola so they trigger as soon as the animation ends.


For a detailed list of changes in Patch 8.5, make sure to check out our comprehensive guide. Stay tuned for more updates on Rengar’s journey towards balance!

Rengar, Patch 8.5, changes, new kit, balance, abilities, tweaks, passive, Q, AD scaling, true vision, new mechanics