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Worlds 2016: The Redemption of EDG

A Recap of the Exciting Match between EDward Gaming and INTZ e-Sports at Worlds 2016

EDward Gaming (EDG) and INTZ e-Sports (ITZ) faced off in an intense matchup at Worlds 2016. Here’s a summary of what happened:


TOP: Rumble vs Jayce

JNG: Rek’Sai vs Skarner

MID: Syndra vs Vladimir

ADC: Jhin vs Caitlyn

SUP: Tahm Kench vs Alistar

BANS: Gnar, Lee Sin, Aurelian Sol, Nidalee, Poppy, Irelia

ITZ hoped to secure their second win against EDG, which would boost their chances of advancing to the last-eight alongside Albus NoX Luna.

EDG started strong by securing the first blood through a bottom lane push setup, giving them a 1k gold lead in the early game. They continued to dominate the bottom lane, taking the first tower before the seven-minute mark and increasing their gold lead to almost 3k.

After a successful four-man gank on the top lane, EDG extended their lead and improved their vision coverage on the map. They managed to secure all three outer turrets and the first dragon by the 16-minute mark, establishing complete control over the game.

Although ITZ managed to secure a tower, they lost another kill to EDG during a top lane engage. However, ITZ made a comeback by securing a kill and a tower in the top lane, giving them a glimmer of hope.

EDG capitalized on an open Caitlyn in the jungle, securing the kill and the second top tower. This further increased their gold lead before it stabilized between the two teams.

A team fight in the mid lane resulted in a four-for-two advantage for EDG, allowing them to secure their fourth dragon of the game and extend their gold lead to 7k.

EDG strategically played around Baron to bait ITZ, resulting in three kills and the Baron. ITZ made an unsuccessful Baron steal attempt, which led to another kill for EDG.

EDG continued to exploit ITZ’s mistakes and took full control of the game. They pushed ITZ back into their base and emerged victorious, redeeming themselves and making ITZ’s journey to the last-eight even more challenging.

We would love to hear your thoughts on the action at Worlds so far. Share your comments below or reach out to us on Twitter @GAMURScom.

Adam Newell is a writer for @GAMURScom. Feel free to contact him through email at [email protected] or on Twitter @MonkeyKingHero.