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Neeko receives buffs for the first time in Patch 9.5

Neeko Getting Buffed in Patch 9.5

Good news for Neeko fans! Riot Games is finally giving a boost to your favorite shapeshifting champion in Patch 9.5.

Since Neeko’s release, she hasn’t received much attention in terms of patches, which is unusual as Riot Games usually promotes the use of new champions. However, her playrate has significantly dropped from 3.81 percent in Patch 8.24 to a measly 1.15 percent currently.

Changes to Neeko’s Ability

Riot is making a big change to Neeko’s ability, Tangle-Barbs. Previously, the ability had a root duration of 0.5 seconds on every enemy except the last one hit. The root duration was increased against the last champion hit, and if Tangle-Barbs hit at least two enemies, the root duration would further increase.

In the new patch, things have been simplified. Tangle-Barbs will now root the first enemy hit for a specific duration, and all other enemies hit will be rooted for a different duration. This is a significant buff for Neeko’s laning phase and her contribution to team fights.

Neeko’s Performance in the LCS

Neeko’s potential was showcased in the LCS last weekend. TSM’s Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik played her in the top lane against Cloud9’s Eric “Licorice” Ritchie and his Aatrox. Neeko controlled the matchup with her poke and lockdown ability, and her root helped her survive ganks from Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen.

With this buff, Neeko’s solo laning is much safer as she can now use longer root durations to prevent potential ganks in the early game. Her teamfighting abilities in the later stages of the game are also improving, especially when hitting multiple targets. It remains to be seen if this change will increase her playtime in both professional matches and solo queue.

Neeko, buff, shapeshifting champion, Patch 9.5, playrate, Tangle-Barbs, root duration, laning phase, team fights, LCS, solo laning, ganks, poke, lockdown ability, professional matches, solo queue