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Liquid’s Dodo Reveals the Importance of CoreJJ’s Green Card for His Career Survival

Team Liquid’s CoreJJ Avoids Retirement Thanks to Green Card

Team Liquid’s general manager, Jun “Dodo” Kang, recently revealed on social media that CoreJJ, a support player for their League of Legends division, narrowly escaped retirement due to a pending green card application. Dodo shared in a tweet that had CoreJJ not received his green card by February, he would have been forced to retire not only from Team Liquid but also from the LCS and the League of Legends scene as a whole.

Thankfully, CoreJJ did secure his green card in February, allowing him to continue his career with Team Liquid. A green card, also known as a permanent resident card, grants permanent residency in the United States, allowing the holder to live and work legally in the country. CoreJJ’s green card also means that he has NA residency and does not occupy an import slot on Team Liquid’s roster.

Dodo explained that securing CoreJJ’s green card was a complex process, with some lawyers doubting its feasibility. However, the card was eventually granted, providing relief for the team and its fans.

Success in the LCS

With CoreJJ back in the lineup, Team Liquid has been performing well in the 2022 LCS Spring Split. Currently tied for first place in the league with a 7-2 record, the team has showcased its potential in the NA scene. During CoreJJ’s absence at the beginning of the split, academy support Bill “Eyla” Nguyen filled in, maintaining the team’s success.

An Accomplished Player

CoreJJ is the longest-standing player on Team Liquid, having joined the organization in November 2018. Before making a name for himself in the LCS, he achieved victory at the 2017 League of Legends World Championship with Samsung Galaxy, representing the LCK.

CoreJJ, Team Liquid, green card, League of Legends, LCS, retirement, NA scene