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Riot Reveals Upcoming Nerfs to Guardian Rune and Sett in League of Legends Patch 10.18 Preview

League of Legends Patch 10.18 Nerfs Revealed: Guardian and Sett to be Adjusted

League of Legends lead gameplay designer, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, has provided insights into the upcoming Patch 10.18 nerfs that will impact the game next week.

Popular support rune, Guardian, will be tweaked to reduce its prevalence in the bot lane. Additionally, Sett’s passive and Q abilities will be targeted to shift power away from tank builds and towards more AD (Attack Damage) builds.

According to Scruffy, Guardian has been overly dominant on almost every support champion. In order to address this issue, the shield’s scaling from Ability Power (AP) and bonus health will be decreased. The shield will now only gain 15% of the support’s AP and 9% of their bonus health, down from 25% and 12% respectively.

Sett, a flexible pick often used in top and mid lanes, will be given a better AD build path while reducing his power in tank builds.

Changes to Sett include shifting the bonus damage on his passive second attack from 15% total AD to 50% bonus AD. Additionally, the damage from his Q ability will no longer be based on a percentage of the target’s maximum health, but instead deal a higher percentage of damage based on every 100 points of total AD. These changes aim to reward players for building damage items and make defensive builds less powerful.

Scruffy also discussed nerfs to several other champions. Ashe will experience a minor reduction to her base AD, Shen’s passive shield will be weakened, Galio’s Q base damage will be decreased by 10 at each level, and Kog’Maw’s health and armor growth per level will be slightly reduced.

It is important to note that the Patch 10.18 preview is subject to change before its official release.

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League of Legends, Patch 10.18, nerfs, Guardian, Sett, rune, AD builds, tank builds, changes, balance, champions, gameplay, update, esports, analysis, YouTube