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TSM Officially Competing at IEM Oakland

Team SoloMid to Attend IEM Oakland After Strong NA LCS Summer Split

In a surprising turn of events, IEM has announced that Team SoloMid (TSM) will be participating in IEM Oakland. This comes after their dominant performance in the NA LCS Summer Split and their heartbreaking finish at Worlds.

IEM Oakland Lineup

IEM Oakland lineupIEM Oakland currently includes TSM from the NA LCS, Flash Wolves from the LMS, Unicorns of Love from the EU LCS, INTZ e-Sports, and Chiefs Esports Club from the international stage.

IEM made this announcement on their social media platforms, with TSM players retweeting and commenting on their attendance at IEM Oakland, despite not initially being expected to participate.

It is currently uncertain whether Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, the team’s ADC, will be attending the event or if the new ADC will be revealed to the world.

Stay Tuned for Updates

Keep an eye on this space as we await the official announcement and the reveal of the new-look TSM.

We want to know your thoughts! Are you as surprised as we are? Share your opinions in the comments below or Tweet us @GAMURScom.

Written by Adam Newell for GAMURS. Contact Adam via email at [email protected] or on Twitter @MonkeyKingHero.

IEM Oakland, Team SoloMid, NA LCS Summer Split, Flash Wolves, Unicorns of Love, INTZ e-Sports, Chiefs Esports Club, esports news, competitive gaming