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CLG faced numerous challenges this split

CLG’s Struggles and Need for Reform

CLG, once known as one of the NA LCS’ strongest teams, has been facing major setbacks this split. Previously, they consistently finished near the top of the standings and had impressive international performances. However, this split has been a different story for CLG as they failed to make it into the playoffs for the first time ever.

The Preseason Changes

CLG has always been a team known for their minimal roster changes. However, this split they made some significant changes by adding Vincent “Biofrost” Wang and Kim “Reignover” Yeu-jin to their starting lineup. This was uncharted territory for CLG, and it took them a long time to adjust to the playstyle of these new players. It was especially difficult for Biofrost, who had previously played on TSM with a different shotcaller. Likewise, Stixxay had to adapt to a new support after playing with Aphromoo for his entire career. This lack of synergy was evident as the team struggled to find their footing during the split.

Jungle Woes

Another challenge CLG faced was with their new jungler, Reignover. Reignover had previously been successful with Huni on Immortals but had since struggled in North America. This split, he had difficulty keeping up with the constantly shifting jungle meta. Week after week, he struggled with champion unfamiliarity and finding the right positioning during teamfights. These issues seemed to stem from confidence and unfamiliarity with the team. However, towards the end of the split, Reignover showed improvement and will need to maintain this momentum in the upcoming Summer Split.

Darshan’s Performance

Darshan Upadhyaya, CLG’s top laner, has been a subject of criticism throughout his career. Despite this, he held his own this split, even with issues in the bot lane and jungle. While he may not be known for hard carrying, Darshan proved that he wasn’t the reason for CLG’s shortcomings. The top lane role in the NA LCS is highly competitive, with talented players like Ssumday, Flame, Hauntzer, Licorice, and Huni. Darshan will need to continue proving himself in order to stay relevant in the top lane.

In conclusion, CLG will have a long break before the Summer Split begins. This will provide them with ample time to address their issues and practice for a potential comeback. If they fail to make a comeback, they risk another disappointing split.

CLG, NA LCS, playoffs, roster changes, synergy, jungle meta, top laner, Summer Split.