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SKT prevails over KT in the latest LCK telecom rivalry

SKT Triumphs Over Rivals KT in Latest LCK Telecom War

SKT emerged victorious against KT in their first head-to-head clash of the season, following significant roster changes during the offseason.

In the first game, KT adopted a strategy focused on building a strong team fighting composition with Vladimir, Jarvan, and Lissandra. SKT’s Faker played the support role with his Zilean pick, providing crucial assistance to his team during fights.

Park “Teddy” Jin-seong’s Kalista played a crucial role in securing the final Baron buff for SKT and ultimately taking down KT in an intense 51-minute game. Teddy was recruited by SKT after his outstanding performance with Jin-Air Greenwings. Paired with the veteran talent of World Champion Cho “Mata” Se-hyeong, the bot lane duo has been exceptional.

Although KT managed to gain some small advantages over SKT, such as Bdd’s successful pick on Teddy in the first game leading to a Baron take, multiple members of KT overextended, giving SKT the advantage.

SKT’s jungler Kim “Clid” Tae-min made significant contributions in both games with his play on Lee-Sin. Clid secured first blood and three dragons, leading to a 20-minute Baron in game two.

In game two, Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok clinched a quadra kill during a Baron-enabled team fight, sealing SKT’s victory in the telecom war.

SKT’s next match will be against DAMWON Gaming, who previously forced them to a game three. KT’s upcoming challenge will be facing the undefeated Griffin, which will play a crucial role in their playoff positioning.