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An LCS team faces possible franchise slot loss following unprecedented decline in 2023

Immortals’ League of Legends Team Faces Possible Removal from LCS

Immortals’ League of Legends (LoL) team is on the verge of making an unfortunate historic achievement. The North American esports organization has consistently finished as a bottom-two team in the LCS over five of the last eight splits, which has never happened before in the league. This is significant because a policy instated in 2018 states that a team can lose its right to compete in the LCS if it finishes in the bottom two five times over an eight-split span.

The Risk of Losing Their LCS Slot

This means that Immortals could potentially lose their slot in the LCS due to their consistently poor performances since re-entering the league in 2020. The only other team that came close to hitting this mark was Counter Logic Gaming, which had four bottom-two finishes in a row between 2020 and 2021.

Immortals has struggled to break into the mid-tier echelon of the region over the past two years. They have fielded underwhelming rosters lacking firepower and synergy compared to other teams in the league. Additionally, their roster has lacked consistency, with frequent changes to the ADC, support, and mid laner positions.

Poor Performance in the Last Season

In the most recent season, Immortals ranked last in team KDA and had an abysmal average gold difference of -1768 at 15 minutes, along with the worst early game stats in the LCS. They often got caught out in the opening minutes of matches and made numerous unforced errors leading to their defeats.

Uncertain Future and Need for Changes

While there is a potential risk of losing their spot in the LCS, many people in the LoL community believe that Riot wouldn’t remove a team for underperforming, especially considering the departure of legacy organizations like TSM from the LCS. Nonetheless, Immortals have been struggling for a while and have gained a reputation as the laughingstock of the league. It is crucial for them to turn their image of failure around for the next year, so fans can expect major changes in the upcoming offseason.

Immortals, League of Legends, LCS, bottom-two, franchise rule, underperforming, esports, North American, Counter Logic Gaming, roster consistency