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Top Counters for Volibear in League of Legends

Volibear: Best Counter Picks for Top Lane in League of Legends

Volibear is a highly popular top laner in League of Legends solo queue because he is easy to play and has a great kit that scales well throughout the game.

His flexibility in itemization allows you to adjust your build path based on your needs. With good ratios and the latest item additions, Volibear benefits greatly from the changes in League. Moreover, he is a safe pick in the top lane as he can easily withstand pressure from various champions.

However, during the laning phase, Volibear can be controlled by certain champions. If you find yourself in a bad matchup against him, there are various items that can help you win the lane.

Best Counter Picks:


Kled is an excellent counter pick against Volibear because he has a built-in healing-reduction effect that stops Volibear’s sustain. You can use your abilities to escape if Volibear catches up to you and deal damage from a safe distance. By keeping Volibear under control, you can roam and impact other parts of the map.


Quinn is another strong counter pick to melee champions like Volibear due to her range advantage and blind ability. Attack Volibear whenever he goes for a last-hit and use your abilities to distance yourself from him. As Quinn, you can split push and apply pressure around the map.


Gragas is a stable tank in the top lane who scales well throughout the game. Trade evenly with Volibear during the laning phase and focus on farming. In teamfights, your displacement ultimate can be a game-changer. As Gragas, you can soak damage and protect your carries.

Items to Build into Volibear:

1. Plated Steelcaps: Reduces Volibear’s auto-attack damage and makes you harder to kill.
2. Bramble Vest: Provides additional tankiness and anti-healing against Volibear’s sustain.
3. Turbo Chemtank: A powerful tank item with an active effect for teamfights and a passive effect for wave-clearing and damaging Volibear.
4. Goredrinker: Helps you match Volibear’s sustain and regain health in an all-in situation.
5. Stridebreaker: Allows you to escape Volibear with its dash ability and kite him efficiently.

By using these counter picks and building the right items, you can have an advantage against Volibear in the top lane. Remember to pay attention to his abilities, especially during the laning phase.

(Note: This article is for informational purposes only. Follow us on YouTube for more esports news and analysis.)

Volibear, counter picks, top lane, League of Legends, Kled, Quinn, Gragas, Plated Steelcaps, Bramble Vest, Turbo Chemtank, Goredrinker, Stridebreaker