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Origen secures a bye in the playoffs by defeating H2k

Origen secures 2nd seed in LCS playoffs with win over H2k Gaming

In the European League Championship Series (LCS), Origen emerged victorious in a match against H2k Gaming, securing the second seed in the playoffs. With a 12-5 season record, Origen will have a bye in the first round of the playoffs. H2k, with a 10-7 record, will be the third seed and will face the last remaining team in the standings for the playoffs positions.

The Match

The match between Origen and H2k was intense and entertaining. H2k chose a strong bottom lane with Kalista and Thresh, along with Twisted Fate and Fizz for early game power. Origen, on the other hand, selected a more conservative scaling team with Viktor, Lulu, and Shen, and managed to secure early kills due to a misplay in the top lane.

Origen used their superior mechanics to prevent H2k from gaining an early lead. However, some mistakes in the mid game allowed H2k to catch up. The game reached a point where no outer turrets remained, leading to a cat-and-mouse battle around Baron.

Origen’s Victory

Origen’s strategy revolved around baiting H2k towards Baron, forcing them to come to them in a deathball. At the 30-minute mark, Origen secured Baron and caught out H2k’s mid laner. This led to a series of kills and objectives for Origen, allowing them to secure the mid inhibitor and eventually the game.

Origen’s top laner, sOAZ, and mid laner, xPeke, had impressive performances, with sOAZ playing Lulu and xPeke playing Viktor. Their victory marks an impressive season for a team that recently entered the LCS.

Achieving Goals

Origen exceeded their expectations for the season. Their goal was to make it to the playoffs and secure a spot in the Riot World Championships. Clinching the second seed guarantees them at least 40 points and a spot in the Regional Finals. To secure a spot at Worlds, Origen needs to win the entire split before the regional playoffs.

Final Thoughts

As the core members of the old Fnatic team, Origen faces a tough challenge against the newer, dominant teams at the top of the standings. While they will finish their regular season against ROCCAT, Origen has already secured a playoff bye and the second seed. They have proven that they can still compete and have had a successful first season in the LCS.

Origen, LCS, playoffs, H2k Gaming, second seed, victory, Baron, victory, playoffs, Fnatic, LCS champions, Riot World Championships, season, dominance, ROCCAT