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Swain and Galio: Overpowered Champions in the Game

Swain and Galio: The Strongest Champions in the Pro Meta

The champions Swain and Galio are currently dominating the professional League of Legends scene. They have a presence in over 50 percent of games and win rates above 60 percent, according to data from League stats site Games of Legends.

One of the reasons these champions are so strong is because of recent buffs. Swain, in particular, received numerous buffs, making him a force to be reckoned with in both solo queue and professional play. His ultimate ability has become a game changer, often leading to decisive victories for teams.

Galio, on the other hand, is known for his ability to quickly move across the map and clear waves. Despite attempts to balance him by converting him into an AP-based champion, he remains a top pick for professional players.

Both Swain and Galio are expected to be heavily banned in upcoming stages of tournaments due to their overwhelming strength.

Under the Radar: Cassiopeia and Trundle

While Swain and Galio steal the spotlight, there are other champions flying under the radar. Cassiopeia, a strong mid-lane mage, has seen success in the top lane as well. SKT top laner Park “Thal” Kwon-hyuk played Cassiopeia against KSV’s best player and performed admirably.

Trundle, a tank destroyer, has also been underestimated by many. He is particularly effective against tanks and has become popular in jungle roles. Combining Trundle with Swain can create a formidable duo that is difficult to counter.

Early Game ADCs Making Their Mark

While games used to last longer, recent changes have accelerated the pace of matches. This has not diminished the role of the ADC (Attack Damage Carry), as teams have found ways to empower them early on. Champions like Varus, Caitlyn, and Jhin have become prominent picks for their ability to dominate the early game.

Jhin, in particular, is noteworthy for his versatility. He can be powerful in both the early and late stages of the game. Pros are experimenting with different build paths to maximize his potential.

Despite meta shifts, the importance of ADCs has increased, with teams relying on their carries to secure victories. Teams like SKT, Liquid, and Fnatic have excelled in the current meta due to their strong ADC players.


In professional League of Legends, certain champions rise to the top while others remain hidden gems. Swain and Galio are currently dominating the scene with their overwhelming presence and win rates. However, champions like Cassiopeia and Trundle are quietly making a name for themselves. Additionally, early game ADCs have become crucial in securing victories. As the meta continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see which champions and strategies emerge as the new favorites.

Swain, Galio, professional League of Legends, champions, buffs, ultimate ability, Cassiopeia, Trundle, ADCs, early game, meta