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PBE Welcomes Major Updates to LoL Arena

League of Legends Arena Mode: Upcoming Changes Revealed by Devs

League of Legends’ new Arena game mode is bringing a breath of fresh air to veteran players. However, with any new mode comes new balancing challenges. In a recent post, Madness Heroo, a developer for League of Legends, has provided a comprehensive list of upcoming changes for the game mode. These changes include buffs and nerfs to various champions, items, and the mode’s unique mechanic, augments.

All of the changes being implemented are based on data gathered from Arena players on the League of Legends Public Beta Environment (PBE). Since its launch on the test server on June 27, the game mode has gained popularity. With less than two weeks remaining until its release to the wider League of Legends community, the developers are ensuring the game is completely balanced before it reaches the full player base.

In today’s PBE notes, several champions’ roles have been targeted for changes, rather than individual champions themselves. As part of the upcoming launch, all ranged champions will receive bonus attack speed, haste, and movement speed.

Certain mage-centric items, such as Void Staff, Sorcerer Shoes, and Liandry’s Torment, will undergo nerfs, with a focus on magic penetration.

To enhance gameplay for specific playstyles, items like Hextech Rocketbelt and Night Harvester will have increased HP bonuses. Enchanters will also see buffs to Echoes of Helia and Shurelya’s Reverie to enhance their competitiveness with the popular Moonstone Renewer option in the Arena game mode.

Riot is also ensuring balance in the crucial aspect of augments in the LoL Arena experience. In the upcoming PBE changes, 13 augments will undergo clear-cut balance adjustments, with six receiving nerfs and another seven being buffed.

The six augments receiving nerfs are Scoped Weapons, Shrink Ray, Warmup Routine, Willing Sacrifice, Thread the Needle, and Fallen Aegis. On the other hand, the seven augments set to be buffed are Frost Wraith, Deft, Typhoon, Back to Basics, Thief’s Gloves, Evocation, and Dive Bomber.

With just 10 days remaining until the game mode’s release on the live League of Legends servers, players should anticipate more balance changes on the PBE. The Arena mode will be released on July 20, coinciding with the game’s summer event, Soul Fighter.

Related keywords: League of Legends, Arena mode, game mode, balancing challenges, buffs, nerfs, champions, items, augments, PBE, ranged champions, mage-centric items, magic penetration, Hextech Rocketbelt, Night Harvester, Echoes of Helia, Shurelya’s Reverie, Moonstone Renewer