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Garen’s Hilarity Shines in URF Mode

Garen in ARURF: A Force to be Reckoned With

The popular game mode, All Random Ultra Rapid Fire (ARURF), has made its return to League of Legends this week. And with it comes the opportunity to experience the hilariously ridiculous champion combos it brings. One champion that stands out in terms of entertainment value is Garen.

If you’re looking for a debate on which champion is the most overpowered in ARURF, you won’t find it here. Our focus is purely on appreciating the funny and amusing moments that arise in URF games, and playing as Garen is sure to provide plenty of those moments.

In a recent video by Reddit user Synapse9 (link:, Garen showcases his strength by annihilating the entire enemy team while they are distracted killing his teammates. The result? A Pentakill, in case you missed it.

So what makes Garen so effective in ARURF? It’s not really a mystery when you analyze the numbers in the Practice Tool. Garen’s spin ability deals approximately 90 damage per second, and with URF’s incredibly low cooldowns, that translates into a constant stream of damage that never slows down. Since most champions have low health at level one, it only takes a few seconds for Garen to shred through even tankier opponents.

In other words, if you don’t prioritize taking down the “spinning top” that is Garen, he will mercilessly hack away at your health bar. It’s a cold reality.

In the past, we would have advised you to choose Garen and enjoy the easy wins in ARURF. However, in this iteration of the game mode, champion selection is randomized. So, instead, we suggest praying to the RNG gods that you are blessed with the opportunity to play as Garen. Good luck!

Garen, ARURF, League of Legends, funny URF hijinks, champion combos, Pentakill, damage-per-second, practice tool, low cooldowns, tankier opponents, champion selection, RNG gods