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LCS and LCK pros dislike facing this LoL champion

The LCK and LCS Teams Are Disliking Neeko

The competitive League of Legends scene is filled with similarities among the top four regions. However, recently the LCK and LCS teams have developed a strong aversion towards a specific champion – Neeko.

Neeko: The Most-Banned Champion

According to Oracle’s Elixir, Neeko has emerged as the most-banned champion in both the 2023 LCS Summer Split and the 2023 LCK Summer Split. In the LCS, she has been banned in almost every game, boasting a ban rate of 93.3 percent. The situation is quite similar in South Korea, where her ban rate stands at 86.5 percent.

Videos on Neeko’s Ban Rate

Watch this video to know more about Neeko’s ban rate in LCS.

Watch this video to know more about Neeko’s ban rate in LCK.

Furthermore, Neeko has significantly more bans than the second-placed Vi in both regions. Vi has a ban rate of 77.1 percent in the LCK and 71.1 percent in the LCS.

League of Legends champion Neeko using her abilities to blend into the forest

The Curious Chameleon Faces Bans

Neeko is not only disliked in the LCK and LCS but also in China and Europe. In the 2023 LPL Summer Split, she is the second-most-banned champion with a ban rate of 68.5 percent. In the 2023 LEC Summer Season, she is excluded from “only” 57.8 percent of games, according to Oracle’s Elixir.

Neeko’s Strength Lies in Her Abilities

Neeko received a substantial update in Patch 13.9, which revamped all five of her abilities. As a result, she has become incredibly powerful in the mid lane and is sometimes picked for the jungle as well.

To succeed with Neeko, players can utilize her exceptional wave clearing abilities and seamless roaming to other lanes. Her passive allows her to transform into various objects or monsters, granting her versatility. Additionally, her AoE ultimate is devastating when combined with Flash or a disguise from her passive, dealing massive damage and knocking up enemies. Consequently, when Neeko is played effectively, it often spells game over for the opposing team.

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Watch this video to see Neeko’s powerful abilities in action.

League of Legends, Neeko, ban rate, competitive scene, LCK, LCS, champion, Oracle’s Elixir, LPL, LEC, Patch 13.9, mid lane, jungle, wave clearing, roaming, passive, AoE ultimate, Flash, disguise, enemy team.