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LoL players unanimously find the game’s worst ability, yet it garners widespread appeal

League of Legends Players Discuss Worst Ability in the Game

On July 3, players of the popular game League of Legends engaged in a discussion regarding the worst ability in the game. Surprisingly, many agreed that it didn’t need any fixing.

The discussion took place on Reddit, where the author of the post selected Elise’s Neurotoxin Q ability as their pick. Several top comments in the thread shared the same sentiment. However, players ultimately concluded that buffing The Spider Queen’s Q would unbalance the game, so it should remain unchanged.

One top comment in the thread stated, “I feel soooo bad when using this ability. Too bad they can’t buff it because Elise is one of those champs that can be broken both ways with minimal balance effort.”

In Elise’s human form, she can use Neurotoxin to launch a targeted toxin at an enemy, dealing magic damage based on the target’s current health. However, the ability doesn’t pack as much punch as it could due to its low AP ratio of three percent per 100 AP. Additionally, it costs a significant amount of mana (100 at level five).

Despite Elise having an average mana pool and typically not building mana items, players believe it’s a fair trade-off for the champion’s other damaging abilities, such as her Rappel E ability, which some consider one of the strongest spells in the game. “Rappel is such a broken ability,” one player, who claimed to be an Elise one-trick-pony, commented.

Other Abilities Mentioned by Players

Alongside Elise’s Q ability, players also mentioned several other abilities as contenders for the worst in the game. Some of these included Aphelios’ E ability, Jarvan IV’s W ability, Shyvana’s passive, Yorick’s passive, and Akshan’s ultimate.

Overall, it seems that Elise’s Neurotoxin Q ability may not be the strongest in League of Legends, but players understand the reasoning behind keeping it as it is.

League of Legends, worst ability, Elise, Neurotoxin Q, Spider Queen, Rappel, game balance, Aphelios, Jarvan IV, Shyvana, Yorick, Akshan