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Riot announces skin releases for Nunu, Shaco, Zilean, and Ivern in 2019

Riot Games to Release New Skins for Several Champions in 2019

Riot Games has confirmed that it will be introducing new skins for popular champions Nunu, Shaco, Zilean, and Ivern this year, along with several others. The announcement was made by Riot’s lead producer of skins, Carlos Giffoni.

Factors Considered in Choosing Champions for New Skins

In a recent YouTube video, Giffoni shared insight into the process of selecting champions to receive new skins. According to him, Riot takes into account three main factors:

  1. The popularity of the champion among players
  2. The compatibility of the champion with the current theme
  3. The length of time since the champion received a new skin

Giffoni also mentioned that the company aims to create skins that align with their ongoing efforts to dispel long-standing memes.

New Skins for Nunu, Shaco, Zilean, and Ivern

Based on the aforementioned criteria, Giffoni specifically named Nunu, Shaco, Zilean, and Ivern as champions who can expect new skins in 2019. In particular, Giffoni jokingly referred to Ivern as a relatively lesser-known champion and assured fans that Riot will be creating a skin for him as well.

Exciting Developments for Ivern

Despite Ivern’s lack of popularity among players, Riot Games is committed to refreshing the champion’s appearance with a new skin. Fans can anticipate an exciting makeover for Ivern.

Riot Games, skins, Nunu, Shaco, Zilean, Ivern, champions, YouTube video, Carlos Giffoni, popularity, theme, memes