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Huge Azir Nerf Introduced in League’s PBE for Patch 8.10

Azir Faces Nerfs in League of Legends Patch 8.10

Azir, the champion in League of Legends, is no stranger to balance adjustments. However, in the upcoming Patch 8.10, Azir is facing a long list of changes that mainly consist of nerfs.

Mechanical Changes for Azir in Patch 8.10

Although the changes for Azir may seem like a rework, they primarily focus on balancing his abilities. There are no new abilities or major effect changes involved.

Nerfs to Azir’s Base Stats and Abilities

In Patch 8.10, Azir’s base stats will undergo several modifications. Some of these changes include slight buffs to his health regeneration and attack speed growth, but a significant decrease in his base health. Furthermore, his Q and R will receive damage tweaks, but the most impactful nerfs will affect his W and E.

Significant Nerfs to Azir’s W and E Abilities

Azir’s W ability, Arise!, will experience significant nerfs to its AP scaling and base attack speed. The base damage of the ability will also scale up with each rank, making it necessary for players to invest points in W to deal respectable damage. Additionally, Azir’s E ability, Shifting Sands, will receive a damage buff at early levels, but the mana cost and cooldown will increase, and the shield granted by the ability will be reduced at early ranks.

Impact on Azir’s Performance

These changes are primarily aimed at reducing Azir’s dominance in professional play. However, they may also negatively impact his performance in solo queue. Currently, Azir has the lowest winrate among mid laners at 43%, according to North American League stats site If these changes are implemented, his winrate is likely to drop even further.

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Azir, League of Legends, Patch 8.10, balance adjustments, nerfs, abilities, base stats, W ability, E ability, performance.