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Chovy’s KDA soars to 84 following Griffin’s victory over DAMWON Gaming

Griffin Continues Winning Streak in LCK Spring Split

Griffin secured their fourth consecutive victory of the 2019 LCK Spring Split today against DAMWON Gaming. The team’s mid laner, Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon, impressed once again with a deathless performance, marking his third flawless game of the year.

Facing the highly anticipated newcomers, DAMWON, Chovy showcased his domination in the mid lane, bringing his Spring Split KDA ratio to an astonishing 84.

During a post-game interview, Chovy mentioned that he pays attention to his KDA but assured fans that it is not his main focus. He emphasized his willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of his teammates.

Despite having only one death in his last four LCK matches, Chovy has not let up on his aggressive playstyle. He has the constant support of jungler Lee “Tarzan” Seung-yong, who is always ready to assist him.

Tarzan’s Redemption Jungle Olaf

In the second game against DAMWON, Chovy had an exceptional performance in the mid lane, securing two kills and double buffs during a 2v2 skirmish. With these early advantages, Chovy took control of the game and earned the MVP title for the second time that night.

Aside from Chovy’s impressive KDA, the first game also featured an innovative strategy from Tarzan. He utilized a Redemption build on jungle Olaf, which he had seen someone else use in solo queue. The strategy proved effective in both defensive and offensive situations, helping Griffin secure kills and gain vision on the map.

Next Challenge: SK Telecom T1

With a decisive victory over DAMWON, Griffin will now shift their focus to their upcoming match against the legendary SK Telecom T1. The match, scheduled for January 31, is highly anticipated by LCK fans everywhere.