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Can Flash Wolves overcome the odds at MSI?

Flash Wolves: Can They Finally Win a Big One?

In the world of esports, the Flash Wolves are no strangers to big international tournaments. However, they have always fallen short and failed to live up to expectations. But this year’s Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) might just be the breakthrough they’ve been waiting for.

Over the past three years, the Flash Wolves have dominated the LMS and won multiple titles. However, they have never made it to the final of a Riot-sponsored international tournament.

Now, they are set to play against Gambit Esports in the final portion of the MSI Play-Ins. With their track record, it’s safe to assume that the Flash Wolves will secure their spot in the main event. But the real question is whether they can perform at the same level they do in the LMS and compete for the championship.

So, what will it take for the Flash Wolves to finally win a big tournament?

A Big Shakeup

Photo via [Riot Games](

Last year seemed like the perfect opportunity for the Flash Wolves to break through. They won the IEM championships, which was an out-of-region tournament. It appeared that the team had finally found their stride and could work well together as a cohesive unit.

However, this victory came with a caveat. The IEM tournament mainly featured European teams, making it difficult to accurately gauge the Flash Wolves’ true strength. Nevertheless, it was a crucial milestone for them in overcoming their mental barriers from past failures.

Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed at the World Championships, where they performed poorly and only managed a 1-5 record in the group stage. To make matters worse, their star jungler, Karsa, left the team to join Royal Never Give Up in the LPL. It seemed like the end of an era for the Flash Wolves.


Photo via [RIot Games](

However, the Flash Wolves entered 2018 with fresh blood in their top and jungle positions: Hanabi and Kim Moo-jin, respectively. While these new players have performed admirably, it’s the seasoned stars who have carried the team.

Mid laner Maple, especially, has stepped up his game without Karsa by his side. He has dominated the LMS and solidified his position as one of the best players in the region. Maple’s brilliance has allowed Moojin to focus on the bottom side of the map, where the Flash Wolves have found success.

In the past, the Flash Wolves struggled with weak side lanes that lacked the ability to push or fight effectively. They went through multiple ADCs searching for a solution. However, with the introduction of Betty last year, the team finally found a reliable option.

Betty and support player SwordArt create immense pressure in the bot lane, giving Moojin the freedom to exert his influence. While the top lane is still a relative weakness, the current meta favors teams with strong focus on the bot side of the map, which works in the Flash Wolves’ favor.

But the big question is whether their success is solely due to playing in a weaker region. If they face Karsa and other top teams in the main event of the MSI, that will truly test the Flash Wolves’ abilities.

MSI is home to some of the best ADCs in the world, including Uzi, PraY, and Doublelift. Betty’s challenge will be to prove himself among these elite players and establish his name among the world’s best.

If Betty can rise to the occasion and with the support of Maple and the rest of the team, the Flash Wolves have a real chance at making the final and achieving their long-awaited success. This might just be the year everything falls into place for the Taiwanese team.

Flash Wolves, esports, MSI, international tournaments, breakthrough, LMS, champions, mental blocks, Karsa, Royal Never Give Up, Hanabi, Kim Moo-jin, Maple, success, ADCs, Uzi, PraY, Doublelift, Taiwanese team.