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Champion buffs coming to Evelynn’s damage, Rammus’ speed, and more in League Patch 12.20

League of Legends Preseason 2023 is approaching, and Riot is making some changes to the game. Patch 12.20 will include buffs for certain champions and items to improve balance. Riot Phroxzon, the lead designer, has shared details about these changes.

Buffs for Champions

Many champions requested by fans are receiving buffs in Patch 12.20. Some champions are also receiving slight changes to enhance their roles.

Top Lane Changes

Jayce and Gwen are receiving buffs in the top lane to make them more viable choices. Jayce will have increased mana restoration and additional AD scaling on his armor and magic resist. Gwen’s Q will deal more base damage as well.

Jungle Balance

Three champions—Wukong, Evelynn, and Rammus—are being buffed to increase their presence in the jungle. Wukong’s R damage ratio is significantly increased. Evelynn’s Q deals more damage to marked targets and charms enemies for a longer duration. Rammus will benefit from the removal of self-slow on his W and improved speed on his ultimate.

Mid Lane Changes

Ziggs is the only mid laner receiving buffs in Patch 12.20. The small damage buff to his Q will improve wave-clear and poke potential, potentially leading to increased usage in the bot lane as well.

Quality of Life Updates

Elise’s Q will have a slightly decreased range but will make contact with opponents more quickly due to hitbox adjustments. Blitzcrank, who recently received jungle-centric buffs, will now have higher ratios towards monsters on his W and E abilities. However, his passive shield and Q damage will be slightly nerfed, affecting his performance as a support.

Item Adjustments

Three Legendary-tier items—Mortal Reminder, Sterak’s Gage, and Demonic Embrace—are being adjusted to make them more appealing for players. Mortal Reminder will apply grievous wounds quicker, Sterak’s Gage will provide more damage and a bigger, slower-decaying shield, and Demonic Embrace will have decreased bonus HP but increased ability power for champions that build it.

League of Legends Patch 12.20 is expected to be released on Oct. 19. These buffs will be available for testing on the PBE before the live release.