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Riot reverts back to previous system for midseason patches

This year’s midseason patches have caused a lot of confusion in the League of Legends meta. Instead of having one big midseason patch, there were multiple smaller patches that made it difficult for players to adjust. Lead gameplay designer Andrei “Meddler” van Roon addressed this issue in a recent post on Riot’s developer blog and announced that they will be going back to the old format of one large midseason patch followed by smaller adjustments starting next year.

Meddler acknowledged that the constant changes created a period of constant readjustment rather than providing greater stability. In the future, Riot will aim to cluster changes into a single patch to minimize the shake-up of individual patches.

For the remainder of the League season, no major changes are planned as the game gears up for Worlds in October. However, Riot is still looking to reduce the impact of early-game snowballing, even though the recent marksmen changes have benefited lane-dominant ADCs and bruisers.

Despite the chaotic midseason, Riot has made significant advancements to the game in the last six months. This includes a new rune system, a refreshed leveling mechanism, and a massive overhaul to in-game currency. These changes have made League feel newer and fresher than it has been in years.

Looking ahead, Riot’s plans for next preseason will focus on improving the additions made this year rather than introducing new elements to the game. This shows a commitment to refining and enhancing the current gameplay experience.

So overall, while the midseason may have been challenging, Riot has made big strides in improving the game and plans to continue doing so in the future.

League of Legends, midseason patches, meta, changes, adjustments, gameplay designer, Riot, stability, preseason, rune system, leveling mechanism, in-game currency.