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LoL Developers Forced to Adjust Rell Once More Due to unfavorable Mid-Scope Update

Rell’s Mid-Scope Update in League of Legends

Rell, a champion in League of Legends, received her mid-scope update on May 31st, alongside Patch 13.11. However, these changes did not improve her position. The developers have acknowledged this and promised further changes in the near future.

Stephen “Raptorr” Auker, one of the Riot Games developers, tweeted on June 1st, saying that they are aware of Rell’s weak state and are working on addressing it. More hotfixes are on the way.

Rell currently holds the lowest win rate among supports in Platinum+ rankings, standing at a dismal 40.25 percent. This is more than three percent lower than the second-worst support, Miss Fortune.

Prior to her mid-scope update, Rell had a decent win rate of 51.38 percent in the same rank.

It’s difficult to determine the exact issues with Rell’s recent changes. With all of her abilities updated, it’s still too early to identify the most noticeable problem. However, we can expect a hotfix in the upcoming days and further tweaks with Patch 13.12.

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Additionally, the upcoming update will also focus on making changes to other champions. Riot is currently working on shifting Rumble’s dynamics, transforming him into an AP bruiser with maximum HP converters, alongside other adjustments.

Rell, League of Legends, mid-scope update, hotfixes, win rate, support, Platinum+ rankings, tweaks, Patch 13.12, champions, Rumble, AP bruiser.