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Key Winners and Losers of the Recent LoL Patch 13.11

League of Legends Patch 13.11: Winners and Losers

The latest update, Patch 13.11, has arrived in League of Legends, bringing with it a number of changes to champions and items. While the adjustments are not as extensive as the mid-season patch, they will still have a significant impact on the game’s meta.

Winners of League of Legends Patch 13.11


After Kha’Zix dominated the jungle in recent patches, Rek’Sai is now getting some attention. She has received small yet impactful changes that should increase her presence in solo queue, particularly in lower-ranked games.

Elderwood Rek'Sai

Rek’Sai’s passive healing has been improved, providing more sustain during jungle clears. The tick rate of her Tremor Sense ability has also been lowered, making it easier for her to track enemy movements. However, the most significant change is the extended duration of her Burrowed Q ability, giving her a better chance to finish off targets with her ultimate.

While Rek’Sai may not immediately become an S-tier champion, her win rate is already above 52 percent in platinum Elo and above, according to stats from lolalytics. It is expected that she will continue to have a strong positive win rate this patch.


Kalista, an often overlooked ADC, has received some buffs to make her more relevant. She has seen important base stat improvements, and her AD ratio on auto attacks has been increased to 100 percent.

Championship Kalista

The most significant buff is to her E ability, Rend, which now has a flat cooldown of eight seconds across all ranks. Although it has lost some base damage early on, this is a minor setback that can be compensated for by building enough AD with items. Overall, Kalista is expected to be stronger in the early game, making her a potential threat in the hands of skilled players.


Renekton, a top lane champion who has been underperforming, has received some buffs that should make him more viable in the mid to late game.

PROJECT: Renekton

His ultimate ability now has a shorter cooldown in late-game teamfights, and the ability has also been buffed in terms of damage. These changes are expected to improve Renekton’s win rate. While he may not become a game-changing champion, he is definitely one to consider for aggressive top lane play.

Losers of League of Legends Patch 13.11


Amumu received a major buff in Patch 13.9 that made him one of the strongest jungle picks. However, Riot Games realized that the buff was too much and decided to nerf him in Patch 13.11.

Inferno Amumu

The nerf to Amumu’s W ability reduces its base damage per tick from 10 to seven. This will significantly impact his jungle clear and skirmishing ability. Already, his win rate has dropped from 53 percent to 49 percent after the change. While still a decent pick in the right hands, Amumu will no longer be as abusable as he has been in recent weeks.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade Users

The reworked Youmuu’s Ghostblade, now a Mythic item, has been a favorite among many champions since the mid-season patch. However, its movement speed bonus and base stats were too powerful.

Night Hunter Rengar

The item has been nerfed across the board, reducing the success rate for champions like Rengar, Kha’Zix, and Akshan who relied heavily on its power. While their win rates will not plummet, they are expected to decrease significantly.

Galeforce and Stormrazor Users

In addition to the Youmuu’s Ghostblade nerf, ADC items Stormrazor and Galeforce have also been nerfed. These items have been dominant in most marksmen’s builds.

Dark Star Jhin

Both items now have a lower damage output, particularly Stormrazor, which has received a 15 percent damage reduction compared to its previous version. As a result, ADCs like Jhin, Lucian, and Xayah will be negatively affected. Although they will still be viable picks in the right team compositions, their snowballing and carrying potential will be significantly reduced.

League of Legends, Patch 13.11, winners, losers, Rek’Sai, Kalista, Renekton, Amumu, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Galeforce, Stormrazor