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PaiN Gaming Takes Legal Action Against Riot for Poaching Penalty

An Esports Team in Brazil Challenges Riot Games over Disciplinary Decision

Brazilian esports team, paiN Gaming, is taking Riot Games to court over a decision made by the latter in a disciplinary case. This raises concerns about the way major esports organizations handle disciplinary measures and the options available for appealing such decisions.

The Alleged Poaching Incident

paiN Gaming is accused of illegally enticing IntZ support player Caio “Loop” Almeida to join their team. As a result, Riot Games issued a ruling on December 17, which included fines and a one-year ban on Almeida from competing as a member of paiN. However, the team believes that Riot Games Brazil acted in an “authoritarian, arbitrary, and illegal” manner while making this decision.

Dispute over Improper Conduct

Almeida and his parents argue that paiN Gaming did not act improperly. They claim that Almeida learned about paiN’s interest in him through his mother, who heard it from another player’s mother. In March, Riot Brazil expressed confidence in their decision, stating that paiN Gaming had not presented any new evidence to dispute their investigations into the alleged poaching incident.

The Need for a Fair and Expedited Resolution Process

paiN Gaming’s only recourse, if they perceive unfairness in Riot Games’ decision, is to take the case to court. However, this can be a lengthy process and may not provide a satisfactory solution. Esports moves at a fast pace, and by the time a court decision is reached, the circumstances for players and teams could have drastically changed, potentially harming their careers. This underscores the requirement for a better system to handle disputes in a timely manner, one that includes an opportunity for all parties to be heard and an expedited process facilitated by a neutral third party.

Major sports leagues like the NFL and MLB have established third-party arbitration systems that enable quick evidence collection, timely hearings, and resolution of appeals. While these systems are not perfect, they provide an avenue for players and teams to address grievances promptly. The esports industry could benefit from adopting similar mechanisms to ensure fairness and justice.

Without a more transparent process and a method of appeals, it is understandable how teams like paiN Gaming might feel wronged, even if Riot Games acted in good faith. If paiN is indeed in the right, by the time they prove it in court, they may have already lost out on valuable opportunities. It is crucial for esports to establish a dispute resolution system that addresses these concerns and prevents influential entities from having unilateral control over disciplinary matters.

Until such a system is in place, disputes like this will continue to arise, leaving companies like Riot Games and Valve free to make decisions without oversight.

Related esports, Riot Games, paiN Gaming, Brazil, disciplinary decision, court case, poaching, appeal, dispute resolution