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The Top 5 Champions for URF

Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) Game Mode Returns to League of Legends

League of Legends players have reason to celebrate as the Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) game mode is making a comeback. Fans of the game can look forward to hours of fast-paced action and the opportunity to spam abilities without any restrictions.

In URF mode, there are almost no cooldown reductions and no mana or energy cost for abilities. This makes the games exciting, quick, and action-packed. Unlike the altered version called ARUF, which rotates as a limited game mode, URF allows players to choose their preferred champions, making it even more enjoyable.

Top Five Champion Picks for URF

While the freedom to pick any champion is great, it can become overwhelming to decide who to play next after a few games. To help you out, here are our top-five champion picks for URF:

5) Teemo

Playing Teemo in URF is incredibly fun. With constant movement buff, you can cover the entire map with mushrooms, providing vision and taking down anyone who comes near. Additionally, the ability to blind enemies all the time is a huge advantage.

4) Zed

Playing as Zed in URF may be confusing at first, but it guarantees a thrilling experience with numerous kills. Jumping from one shadow to another makes it difficult for opponents to keep track of you, and your ultimate ability will almost always be available to turn trades in your favor.

3) Lux

If you are skilled at playing Lux, URF mode is a dream come true. The cooldowns on Lux’s ultimate are reduced by 80%, allowing you to spam it frequently. Not only is the ultimate satisfying to use, but all of Lux’s abilities, especially those with crowd control, become incredibly powerful.

2) Brand

Brand is another great champion choice for URF due to his spammy abilities. With no cost and significantly reduced cooldowns, Brand can set the entire map on fire. His ultimate ability bounces from enemy to enemy, and with crowd control at your disposal, you can easily burn down opponents.

1) Shaco

The ultimate URF pick is Shaco, known for his burst damage. This jester can quickly take out enemies with high damage, fear-inducing boxes, and stealth abilities that are always available. With Shaco, you’ll have the power and enjoyment of stabbing enemies in the back for bonus damage.

Get ready for an exhilarating time in URF mode with these champion picks!