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Power Rankings for LCS: 2020 Summer Split Week Five

Change in LCS Landscape: Cloud9’s Unexpected Loss, Dignitas’ First Wins, and Power Ranking Shifts

In the first four weeks of the 2020 Summer Split, the LCS has been criticized for being boring. However, week five brought some surprises and changes to the league. Dignitas secured their first wins of the split, and TSM struggled with two losses. The biggest shock came when Cloud9, previously undefeated, lost to 100 Thieves.

Although Cloud9’s loss may disappoint some fans, it actually benefits the league. Cloud9 is still the favorite to win the split, but their defeat adds excitement and unpredictability to the competition. It also gives Cloud9 the opportunity to improve and prove themselves further. As we analyzed the performance of Cloud9 and other teams, it was evident that Cloud9 remains strong, but there were interesting developments in the rankings below them.

Power Rankings: Cloud9 Still on Top

Cloud9 continues to hold the top spot in the power rankings, with 40 points. Following them, Team Liquid moved up to second place with 36 points. Evil Geniuses dropped to third place with 31 points, and TSM climbed to fourth place with 29 points. FlyQuest slipped to fifth place with 24 points, while 100 Thieves and CLG both occupy the sixth spot with 18 points each. Golden Guardians secured the eighth place with 12 points, Immortals have 7 points, and Dignitas holds the tenth spot with 5 points.

Although Cloud9 may not have an easy path to a perfect split, they are still expected to do well and maintain their status as favorites.

Good News for Immortals and Dignitas

Last week, Immortals and Dignitas, the bottom two teams in the standings, managed to secure wins against playoff-level teams. Immortals capitalized on TSM’s weaknesses and showcased excellent teamfighting skills. Dignitas, composed of experienced players, exhibited their potential by defeating FlyQuest. While these wins were notable, it raises the question of whether achieving victories in a relatively weak region like NA is truly impressive.

Positive Outcomes for 100 Thieves, CLG, and Golden Guardians

Week four saw unexpected wins from 100 Thieves, CLG, and Golden Guardians, solidifying their positions in the playoff race. 100 Thieves’ roster changes, including Contractz in the jungle and Poome in the support role, have breathed new life into the team. Ssumday’s impressive performance and Ryoma’s steady damage output add to their strength. CLG also proved their worth by defeating Evil Geniuses, showcasing their ability to compete against mid-level competition. Golden Guardians secured a victory against a struggling Evil Geniuses team thanks to Damonte’s great play.

Struggles for Evil Geniuses, TSM, and FlyQuest

Conversely, Evil Geniuses, TSM, and FlyQuest faced challenging times last week. These teams, known for their solid performances, suffered a combined total of six losses. Fault can be attributed to various factors, including poor decision-making by top laners, mistakes in crucial moments, and struggles in the bot lane. These teams must address their issues to keep up with their competitors.

Cloud9’s Stability and TL’s Resurgence

Despite their loss, Cloud9 remains a strong and resilient team. While they have areas to improve, their overall performance continues to be solid. On the other hand, Team Liquid has solidified their position as the second-best team. They have overcome initial challenges with their new jungler, Broxah, and their bot laner, Tactical, has impressed. Team Liquid appears to be returning to their championship form.

Cloud9 and Team Liquid are the teams to watch as the split progresses. Cloud9’s dominance remains a significant factor in the league, while Team Liquid has the potential to reach higher levels of play.

Photos courtesy of Riot Games.

LCS, Cloud9, Dignitas, TSM, 100 Thieves, Team Liquid, Evil Geniuses, FlyQuest, Golden Guardians, Immortals, power rankings, playoff race.